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Management Issues in Apple

Management in apple has been one of the factors which have contributed to the success of Apple Company. A number of management techniques are employed in the company which has enhanced it success and existence. In Apple Company employees basically own their learning, training as well as development. This is so due to the tendency of apple to produce new products which requires expertise in completely different industries. The company basically expects that every employee should be self-reliant. This gives autonomy to the employees thus enabling them to offer their best in their area of expertise and also exercise creativity hence contributing to the great success in the company  (Capron  & Glazer  2011).

Apple company has been able to make their managers undisputed kings. This management tactics by Apple has resulted to a decrease in overhead function interference and boosted increased authority which has led to attracting and retaining of managers who are able to control the welfare of the company. On the part of management Apple Company has also succeeded in finding a passionate and inspirational leader. A good example is Steve Job, who is not the CEO of the company currently but through his name the company has been able to reach far (Benner 2001).


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Through its management Apple has been able to have a product focus. This product focused approach has enabled apple to be able to bring everything from strategy to budgets as well as to organizational design and talent management. The main goal of talent management is to be able to make sure that the available work force is focused on the issues of the strategic elements that in a number of ways drive the company’s success. Although settling on having a product focus is basically a business decision, Apple’s strong product focus directly has been found to have a great impact on the talent management (Howe 2007).

In Apple Company, there has been no better known force for its sales other than its customers. For a number of years Apple’s customers have believed that their products are always the best and this has made the company to rely on them in marketing their products to the other people out there. Getting the loyalty of the consumers has been made possible by the quality services offered by the company. This has been contributed greatly towards the success of the company (Benner, 2001).

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One of the ways in which apple has been able to retain their consumers is through having a strong brand loyalty. This has enabled Apple to be able to have return customers in great numbers. From the business perspective, it is a bit costly to be able to attract new customers than it is to keep the existing ones. Through Apple’s perceived positive brand there has been a great contribution to increased sales of Macintosh computers. All these has come about as a result of customer satisfaction and being able to come back for more products (Turner 2007).

One of another reason that makes customers to be loyal to Apple’s product is the ability of the company to pay attention to detail in a number of features pertaining product design as well as development. Every product is customized to make it a user friendly as possible regardless of any form of technicality which has been involved in the operation of the product. One thing that attracts most of the consumers is a product that has a good design and it’s easy to use (Benner 2001). The company has a number of experts who are able to meet this demand by analyzing a product before even developing the package. This in a great way has influenced a number of new consumers as well as retaining the loyal consumers.

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This will be a descriptive cross-sectional study with the available sources of information concerning Apple company. Data will be gathered from the available literature and media such as publication, journals, website and especially the authenticated material available. Empirical and theoretical concepts and data gathered will be harmonized to come up with a conclusive narrative addressing the question under evaluation. 

The company being investigated is the Apple Inc company which is an American based multinational corporation that deals with production of consumer electronics. The study will be focused on it main branches that happens to distribute it products to other areas.  

Dependent variables: success of the Apple Company

Independent variables: consumers link, types of products, the management of the company, attitude, motivation of workers, positioning of the company’s products.

The study will employ PEST analysis tool, Porters Five Forces analysis tool and the SWOT approach in analyzing the company’s nature. These tools are deemed important in that they will excavate the necessary information that will guide in determining the root causes and hindrances of success of the company

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The study proposal will be submitted to the necessary authorities in Coventry University to facilitate a go ahead with the study.

The obtained data will be analyzed and presented inform a table and narrative pointing out the results of the study. This will enhance the process of discussion; facilitate relevant recommendations for the hiccups identified to be solved.

This study followed the Ethical Principles of Coventry University, this research is deemed to be low risk, have no vulnerable people to contact in data collection, and no one is affected or harmed by the research. The information gathered is meant for academic purposes only.



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