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Ashley X’streatmentisgenerallycastas a brutalinitiativeby her parents in asking for the treatment of their daughter to make her life easy.Opponents and supporters of what has come to be known as the Ashley Xtreatmenthave come out strongly to give credence to their side of the argument. The arguments areconsistenton the ethical question of whether the surgery that Ashley went through wasacceptable. Issues of whether the situation warranted it and whether her human rights and dignitywas considered.Each side of thecasehas presented evidence toexploretheirposition, and why they believe that their argument is the rightdecisionfor Ashley.In examining the arguments, one can not fail to notice that the arguments were moving and to some extent highly biased.

Thefinaltreatmentwas actually the culmination of a medical necessity (Susan Pg970).The argument that Ashleywas not accordedhuman dignity is, therefore, to be examined from the scientific point of view and what would have befallen her had the undertaking not been done.The best take in the case of Ashley X’streatmentis to take a stand based on what isrightAshley. Opponents of Ashley'streatmenthave argued that thetreatmentwas not doneto help Ashley. Theyargueit was to make life easy for her parents. In his argument, Lewis describes thetreatmentasgrotesqueand totally unjustified. Throughout his article, he has stuck to the point that the treatment was unnecessary. On the other hand, Peter in his argument issupportiveof the treatment. He argues that what matters is the girl’s comfort and thatloftytalkand other opposing arguments should not stand in the way of the treatment. Both arguments have given evidences to give credence to their opinion, but thequestionis for whosebenefitwas thetreatment. In review of the arguments presented, it is necessary to address the fact that Ashley’s condition wasextreme.An intervention that would make her life not only easier, but let her live a more dignified lifewas needed.The arguments presented against the treatment were in thisanalysisemotional and never came up with an actual explanation on how best thecaseshouldhave been handled.

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The opposing arguments mainviewhas been that thetreatmentwasunethicaland should not have happened.On the other handthe supportingargumenthas been that theprocedureindeedgave Ashley a better life. Thisis giventhat herconditionput her at risk also made it difficult to care for her. Although thetreatmenthas receivedheavycriticism, I am of the notion that the treatment was the best thing for her and hercaregivers. Thistreatmentindeeddid help Ashley live a dignifiedlifewith her parents (Grayling, Pg 302). Thisis basedon the view that thetreatmentmakes her a more manageable andpersonand minimizes her health and social risks.


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