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Premenstrual Syndrome

For a long period of time, doctors and the general public did not treat Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) seriously. However, this situation has changed, and Premenstrual Syndrome is globally embraced as an authentic condition within medical circles. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) originates from a mixture of physical, emotional, mood and psychological disturbances occurring after ovulation of women and ends typically with the onset of the menstrual flow. There are several mood-related symptoms, which are common. These symptoms include depression, irritability, oversensitivity, crying, and temper swings alternating between anger and sadness. The physical symptoms include:bloating, fatigue, acne, breast tenderness, and changes of appetite alongside food cravings.

Premenstrual Dysphonic Disorder (PMDD) happens in few women leading to a momentous loss of function. It is caused by severe symptoms that are unusual to them. The American Psychiatric Association categorizes PMDD as a severe type of PMS whereby anxiety, anger and irritability are prominent. Almost all women experience various premenstrual symptoms. The occurrence of PMS has frequently been hyped, due to the inclusion of women facing any emotional or physical symptoms prior to menstruation. It is approximated that vitally significant PMS happens to below 50% of the women. PMDD, which is a severe variant of PMS, occurs to below 6% of the women.


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The situation of this syndrome has been evident since the ancient Greek times. However, the disorder was officially documented by the medical society in 1931 and in 1953, and the term Premenstrual Syndrome was introduced. This syndrome remains as a mystery, due to wide-raging signs and hardness in administering a firm diagnosis. Although various theories have been put forward to explicate the basis of PMS, none of them has been verified. Therefore, the precise treatment of PMS lacks a firm scientific basis. According to some evidence, PMS occurs due to interactions in or alterations amid the ranks of sex hormones and brain substances called neurotransmitters. It appears that PMS is not explicitly associated with specific individuality factors. Similarly, psychological anxiety is not in any way related to the PMS severity, according to various studies.

A wide range of signs has been credited to PMS. Women may have PMS of changing severity and duration from phase to phase. The symptoms associated with PMS are several mood-related symptoms, which are common.. The diagnostic tool that is most effective is the menstrual diary.

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The popular acceptance of PMS syndrome can aid to raise the status of women. This is because, the general public will be aware of the situation through which women have to pass. Therefore, once the women start displaying the symptoms highlighted earlier, people will be aware of them. People will be expecting the symptoms from women occasionally. In that way, people will come up with ways of coping with the women when they are in this trying moment. Some of the symptoms are severe towards other people and can hurt them extremely. Once people know, they cannot feel offended and will accept the women as they are. This will in turn harness the self-esteem in women, and they will never feel ashamed of themselves when PMS begins. They will never be humiliated because of their status.

PMS is a reality in women, and it leads to women acting in a weird way. Nowadays, the syndrome is widely accepted and is treated with seriousness. There are numerous symptoms associated with PMs. Some symptoms are physical while others are psychological. Popular acceptance of this syndrome can raise the status of women. This will raise the self-esteem of women, due to the acceptance they may experience from the general public when they are in this situation.

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Gender-Gtereotyped Behavior and Expectations

Gender stereotyped behavior happens when an individual is anticipated to perform a sequence of behavior or norms inherent to his/her sex. Gender is a communal construction and is also affected by other categories of society like religion, ethnicity, class, language, and race. In most North American and European cultures, gender roles and behavior are divided according to female and male behavior norms. Particular forms of behavior are characterized as feminine or masculine. Nevertheless, gender as a field is relational and social but not categorical. Gender exists only as a virtual quality. Therefore, gender  behavior stereotyping happens when people want to classify particular behaviors or practices, due to their sex.

Even though schooling of girl incidences differs as per their socioeconomic grade, ethnicity, geographic location and disability, numerous schools, and other institutions of education support and reinforces gender stereotyped behaviors. Schools function through interactions of individuals and groups. They also function through how teachers and students build gender in the class, which may affect the environment of learning. Public schools exhibited bias against a female child two decades even after Title IX of the basic and secondary edification act legislation barred gender discrimination in the edification activities and programs. Lawrence Summers, who was the leader of Havard University, made comments in 2005, which suggested that inborn sex distinctions might contribute to a lesser number of girl faculty in the sciences. This lead to international and national discussions concerning how cultural issues are more probable to explain the participation of women in science than the genetic distinctions between males and females.

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The gender behavior stereotypes that schools aid to produce support the idea that female children are caring, quiet, well-bred, considerate, helpful, and puts the needs of others before their own ones. Successful achievements of girls academically are credited to them working hard; though, thesuccess of boys is credited naturally being gifted. On the contrary, the underachieving female students are considered as incapable while underachieving boys are regarded to be lazy. Male students are regarded as rational, unemotional, strong, and logical and are considered smart, outgoing, and naturally talented academically.

In schools, therefore, the boys’ academic achievement is related to inborn intelligence and females’ successes to working hard. These gender distinctions are elucidated through biological distinctions without even a single deliberation of the effect of social setting on the learners’ achievement, learning, attitudes, and motivation. Boys calling out responses to the teacher is a risk-taking behavior anticipated from men. If girls display the same, they are criticized rather than being praised. The positive and accepted self-confident behavior in boys helps males rule other resources. In science classes, boys dictate equipments and consign females to duties like data recording, reading directives or mopping up the operation area. The females’ stereotyped observation of science, such as a masculine endeavor, might make them prefer the passive roles. This may make girls not concentrate fully on the subject content. 

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In conclusion, gender stereotyped behavior is being reinforced by elementary and secondary education. Numerous notions in classroom aid in a great deal to harness this stereotype. Teacher-student interactions contributes to this. The school subjects influence the gender behavior stereotypes. Recent studies indicate that the enrollment in secondary school classes of science has equal numbers of boys and girls. Girls prefer learning subjects they view as valuable, connected to people or animals and having significance in their lives, which are not qualities of science. Males are perceived less capable as compared to girls in arts, languages, and reading. These subjects are typecast as feminine.



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