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Since the mid-‘90s, hospitalists have taken the American health care system by storm. These medical specialists are all over the American hospitals. The number of hospitalists nationwide was about 15, 000 in 2007, and it has been increasing rapidly (Caudill, 2007). Most hospitals acknowledge their significance. They serve a purpose of improving the inpatient sector within hospitals. They are trained like any other medical workers, though their main role is to provide care services to hospitalized patients. Hospitalists have helped in curbing the large amounts that hospitals spend on acquisition of doctors. They have also reduced the risk of loss of life due to improper medical treatment, thereby improving the healthcare services. This paper defines hospitalists and their duties in a health organization.

Hospitalists are hospital-based physicians who take care of hospitalized patients. Similar to primary care physicians in the outpatient wing, hospitalists are of help to hospitalized patients only from admission until the time when they leave the hospital. Their role is providing a medical care to inpatients (Caudill, 2007). It is carried out after evaluation of their medical history and physical assessment. Thereafter, hospitalists are expected to provide medication to patients, especially when they are in critical condition. Apart from that, they also generate up-to-date medication lists for all their patients in coordination with a primary care physician and other specialists. They also oversee the welfare of patients within the hospital through checking on their progress and keeping their health records, coming up with healthcare plans, and conferring with patients on matters concerning their health (Caudill, 2007).


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It is undeniable that hospitalists have moved the service delivery in American hospitals to a new age as hospitals anticipate more. Thus, hospitalists are only a few but important members of the internal hospital family whose duty is very important. Within the hospital setting, they facilitate an improved service delivery and match the quality of service delivered to the amount of money paid by patients.



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