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Drugs Legalization


The opponents of drugs legalization believes that the fight against drugs is yet to succeed in eradicating drugs from the society, though they appreciate that the effort is not in vain. While drug abuse has increased among different population cohorts in the last one decade, it is significantly low than it was in 1990s. Therefore, though the fight against drug has not been able to wipe drugs from the society, proponents believe, it has significantly influenced the drug use. The given paper will try to prove that drug legalization will help fight with drug usage.

According to William Bennett, an activist in fight against abuse of drugs and substance in US, the concept of the fight should be revisited. He said that the concept behind the campaign against drugs has been a flaw. He argues that the most effective way of cubing the abuse of drugs is by making it possible for the drugs addicts to obtain drugs from some registered dealers. Those who hold similar opinion as William’s, suggest that drugs from Mexico and Caribbean should be allowed into the US market in a regulated system. According to Mike Royko, this system would sweep the junkies out of the gutter, and provide a relief to those who are fighting a losing battle against the narcotics. Similarly, Robert W., a federal judge, while supporting legalization of drugs, referred to the effort against drugs as a bankruptcy of ideas.


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Though most of the Americans are determined to fight against drugs in their country, there are still some who believe that enacting laws on drugs will have greater costs on the society than the loss that would have been caused by the drugs. The same way, drugs addict would seek immediate euphoria; the advocators for drugs are interested with the peace between those who are for and those who are against the fight.  The drug enforcement is also a burden to the economy of any nation campaigning against drugs. The campaign is a burden to the economy, where fundamental resources are used in the fight. The effort is also frustrating, dangerous and often unsuccessful. Nevertheless, the results of not enacting drug laws may be costly. Consequently, legalizing drugs involve destructive nature of drugs and the high toll frustrated individuals, families, loss of resources both personally and as a nation (Friedman 2012).

It is in such of a best way to approach the drugs issue that virtually most of the civilized society are looking to enact control and regulation over drugs. If there is no or there is minimum regulation against drugs in place, it has been observed that the uptake of drugs and addiction increases. In  late 1975 Italy, liberalized  drugs law, which has led to nation being one with the highest death that are related to drugs in the Europe.

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In Alaska, with decriminalization of marijuana in 1975, the loose laws entertained abuse of the drug, even among the children. More than 6% of schoolchildren have moved from marijuana to cocaine. According to most sympathisers of drugs legalization understand that legalization is likely to increase the abuse of drugs, but they tend to ignore the matter.  With legalization of drugs, the use of the illicit drugs is increasing by 12%, even as the number of casualties in the population increases. According to Dr. Herbert D. the legalization of drugs is likely to cause increased abuse of cocaine, however, those advocating for legalization consider the increase use of cocaine as an inevitable price for the benefits of legalization.

Some of the benefits that are likely to come up as a result of legalization include the profit that would be made out of drugs. Where the outcome would be the reduction of criminal drugs traders and cartels, which are likely to invest in other businesses since there would be low demand of drugs. People are rather rational and they will be able to make a choice themselves instead of making decision that depends on law prohibition. This law will definitely work and is beneficial in struggle against drugs usage.

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The legalizers of drugs argue that, with legalization of drugs, the price would fall, even with high taxes that would accompany such legalization. According to Buckley, one of the supporter for legalization, the federal drugstores would be keeping the drug price relatively low, so as to discourage the emerging of black market while at the same time ensuring that the prices are high sufficient to accumulate the surplus for campaign and education on drugs (Berent 1999).

Apparently, the drug sales would increase not less than by 35% and generate massive revenue that would then be used to inform the consumers not to use the substances and to rehabilitate those who may not adhere to the call for withdrawal from drugs. The benefit from this system is that the federal government would get a share of the profits that would otherwise be garnered by the drug cartels. At the same time, the state would impose high taxes on drugs in order to finance the education against drugs to those who would listen and treatment for the addicts.

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To the contrary of the elimination of the black market, most advocators for legalization admit that some hard drugs are too dangerous to legalized or regulated by the enacted laws. Thus drugs cartels will be left with the control of the supply of such substances within the black market. Thus, as long as the substances remain prohibited black market will always emerge. 

With legalization of drugs, the levels of crime are likely to reduce significantly. It is believed that the high prices associated with illegal drugs tend to lead addicts to crimes. According to a research that was conducted by the Cato Institute, most of the drug related crimes are as a result of drug illegalization. However, there are some who believe that most of the drug-related crimes are committed by criminal before they used drugs. The illegal drugs that are routinely accessible within the criminal circles tend to stake the criminals more unpredictable and violent. There are numerous cover-up murders in drug syndicates; however, even with legalization the cut-rate prices for drugs at the federal outlets would not stop such psychopathic mannerism (Berent 1999). 

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Legalization of drugs will have positive effect on children. It is proved that they can reach drugs not depending on laws. Teenagers are among the frequent culprits of the drug-related crimes that are not related to the cost of acquiring the drugs. According to a study from Philadelphia more than 50% of the child-abuse casualties involved at least a grown-up person who was a heavy drug addict. Consequently, 73% of the child-abuse murders in New York City may be traced to parental drug addiction.

Legalization of drugs will definitely have positive effect. Some of the scholars believe that drugs abuse cases should not be police matter and it may be made possible under a legalized regime for the government to have regulation and prevention of drugs. According to these studies, there is no evidence to claim that the enforcement of law may be successful. They believe that the current fight against drugs will not only be unsuccessful but may also increase criminality. With legalization of drugs, self-esteem, civil liberties, and freedom of American would be regained. According to the advocates of legalization, for a nation to have a free society, it must allow its people to have the freedom to make both right and wrong decision (Berent 1999). These proponents urge that the prohibition of drugs using the law has not worked and may not work soon.

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The issue on whether to prohibit or to legalise drugs may not be settled any time soon. For both opponents and proponents it should dawn to them that man is a rational being with free will to exercise their reasoning faculty. Man should have a free choice and be a captain of his own life, so drugs legislation should have a positive effect.



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