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Congenital Diabetes

A consistent increase in blood sugar that is not controllable leads to diabetics. The situation is congenital, chronic, and irreversible. The risk factors that are attributed to these disorders include issues such as hereditary factors. Through a research, it has been established that those people with relatives who are first degree in diabetes have a higher risk of being affected by diabetes (Fuhrmann, K. (1986). The population affected by this disorder is the pregnant mothers as well as their infants. This poses the question on what are the major causes, symptoms and best ways of managing congenial diabetics in the affected populations.

Diabetes is among the leading chronic illnesses that poses a lot of danger to the people in the world. Research has shown that among those who develop diabetes the majority is obese. However, the link between the two has remained a mystery to many people. There is a lot of resistance caused by fat cells prompting the body tissues resist the rise of insulin in the body. Upon diabetes diagnosis, which is one of the chronic diseases, what follows is the focus on the treatment with an aim of preventing more complications, which may cause even much more damage to the body organs. This is because many chronic diseases are not treatable and can only be controlled. (Aguilar-Bryan,& Bryan,2010). All these medications in diabetes are effective only if the patient adapts to the essential changes of lifestyle.

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Congenital is a term that refers to the inherited and unborn situations. In this case, congenital diabetes is an inherited diabetic condition, which is also referred to as neonatal diabetics. Newborns under these conditions are diagnosed with diabetes. These infants are diagnosed with hyperglycemia, which is a rise in the blood glucose within 18 hours of less from the time a child was born.

Pregnancy is the time when congenital diabetes is evident in that there are adverse effects not only on how to carry the baby, but also for the health of all involved parties in general. The immediate impact of congenital diabetes on the pregnant women is premature birth. Without proper blood glucose management in the time of pregnancy, there is a high likelihood of the unborn developing complications that are related to health. It is clear that once there is a breast-feeding from a mother who has diabetes, an infant is posed to the risk of developing diabetes for a longer time.

Congenial problems are the common issues among the children who are born to the mothers with diabetes. As a result, these infants develop a heart disease, which leads to a health concern. Another abundantly clear complication is that these newborns will experience defects in neural tube and other organs involving neurological development and caudal regression located in the spinal column. It is necessary to observe the family planning procedures as this helps to reduce congenital problems and improves the pregnancy outcome. This is because pre-existing complications of congenital diabetes can be attributed to the adverse health complications in general. These include cardiovascular complications, which are of a primary concern whereby there are long-term implications in obesity, which is the key link to congenital diabetes. This diabetes was first confirmed by finding the concentrations of C-peptide and insulin as well as the lower part of serum.

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Congenital diabetes has been proved by finding the low concentration of serum, C-peptide, and insulin. There was started the intravenous treatment with insulin (0.05 IU per hour). Chromosomal abnormalities have not been found in the infant or its parents. Congenital diabetes is highly linked to gestational diabetes. What happens is that even if an infant’s mother has been diagnosed with hyperglycemia before the onset of gestation, the unborn is still at a high risk of developing diabetes because of birth. An example of congenital diabetes is monogenic diabetes. Experts diagnose this diabetes when one single gene mutates at the time of birth or just a few hours after delivery. However, this diabetes has no linked history in heredity because an infant can develop these complications even if the mother has no gestational diabetes. Some of the causes of congenital diabetes include the following: late pregnancies, having a pregnancy after a number of recorded miscarriages, food habits, women gaining a lot of weight during the pregnancy stage, growth of the fetus in a way that has some defects among others.

Symptoms of congenital diabetes are evident, although infants spend most of their time sleeping. The following signs may lead to congenital diabetes: overweight in children and abnormality in their growth, babies who are grown more than the expected size, enlarged heart and an increased heartbeat, large sizes of lungs, liver, weak cry, increased urination and prolonged sleep.

Most babies are born from mothers who have no history of diabetes when tested in order to determine low blood sugar. During treatment, insulin doses are used for regular blood check-ups, as well as symptom check-ups on a frequent basis are the most ordinary treatment procedures in congenital diabetes. This diabetes is diagnosed in a few instances, but for those a few times that it is diagnosed, the appropriate diets are recommended as a way of reducing the glucose level.

Once the disorder has been identified, there are several ways of managing the problem. It is clear that most cases of this diabetes are adopted from mothers. It is crucial to adapt to measures such as blood glucose checkups. It is celebrated among pregnant women at periodic intervals, as instructed by their medical experts why is this medication prescribed? The two methods used is use of insulin and Glyburide. Glyburide is used along with diet as well as exercises. This helps in the situations when the body is not in a position to control its blood sugar in the blood. It enables the pancreas produce insulin and therefore lowering the blood sugar. As a result, the body of the infants is able to use insulin in an efficient way. Lot of care should be taken in order to make sure that there is no under dose or overdose of the drug.

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The other way of managing congenial diabetes in the affected population is through subjecting infants into a special form of therapy. The treatment and insulin therapy is supposed to start immediately after the disorder is diagnosed. Deliverance of insulin infusion gives the healthcare ability in the titration of blood glucose levels in the infants. Treatment of small children calls for special measures because they depend on a half dosage of the basal insulin. This one of the challenges facing the treatment sector on congenital diabetes management factors.

Similar to insulin use in older children with type 1 diabetes, caregiver’s insulin to carbohydrate should calculate the bolus insulin dose. In addition, insulin dose ratio in the level of blood glucose in the high blood glucose correction. Therefore, these ratios, when they are used in infants that require small levels of insulin leads into small doses translation. These doses are hard to measure and to attain the right standard of insulin for the infants.

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The above review has showed that there is a lot that requires to be done in order to take care of the infants born with diabetes. This is because congenital diabetes in most cases affects the babies who are not even born. Therefore, in the two ways presented in the management of the disorder, the most effective method is that of using Glyburide. This is because it helps in the reduction of blood sugar during pregnancy without crossing to the placenta. Therefore, it poses a reduced risk to the women as well as their growing fetus. Despite the fact that it is believed to have a reduced risk, there are reports that infants born of mothers who took the drug could develop a case of low blood sugar. It is clear that during pregnancy Glyburide is the best option in the management of blood sugar. The drug does not close to the infants in the process of breast-feeding.


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