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Autism and Early Years Practice

The book Autism and early years practice: a guide for early year’s professionals, teachers and parents by Kate Wall focuses on the education concerns of children with autism. It highlights the early year’s intervention on children with autism. Ideally, the current society has ignored educating children with such disability, and the book aims at providing the regulations that the countries need to articulate in order to educate them. Knowledge is effective in an industrialized nation and people with autism should not be exempted from acquiring this knowledge. In regard to Wall’s book, the focus will be on three questions; what are the special schools that are specifically for children with Autism? What are the units attached to these schools? Does the special schools able to accommodate other range of disabilities other than Autism?

Within the UK, the National Autistic Society runs its own schools and centers for children and adults with autistic spectrum disorders. With autism-specific training as an ongoing aspect of professional development, the staff will provide children with autism the relevant expertise. Based within a firm understanding of the effects and implications of autistic-spectrum disorders, the curriculum and allied individual actives would be tailor-made to suit the needs for the children, ensuring progression and success. This will be achieved within a secure and safe environment that directly responds to the needs of children with autism. However, potential difficulties exist in these schools. There are no adequate inspections and monitoring processes; thus, the quality of the provision may be inappropriate, either in its entirety or part.

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Consequently, the units attached to these schools are less segregated so as to offer the children with autism-specific opportunities. Inclusion within the main school—whether be it a special school or mainstream—could occur at a range of levels from occasional visits to participation. The relevant and training of the unit staff may also be an area for investigations. Parents should not rely on the school prospectus alone but should make their own decisions and ask their own questions for clarity to inform subsequent decisions. As provision for children with autism is crucial, parents need to feel confident about their decisions regarding replacements for their child.

The special schools for young children could accommodate a range of disabilities including mild or severe learning difficulties, emotional and behavioral difficulties. For this reason, the staff would need to be knowledgeable in the wide range of disabilities for which they provide and ensure provisions are appropriate to individual needs. Invariably, the staff employed will be dedicated and highly skilled practitioners, but they may lack autism-specific knowledge and expertise, which in turn compound the difficulties of the children. There are some very successful special school providing appropriately for young children with autism but as with any intrusion, there are those whose provision could create a potential cause of concern.

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In conclusion, Wall’s book highlights the early year’s intervention practices for children with autism. Indeed, there are special schools that are specifically for children with autism, but some of the special schools will ultimately accommodate other range of disabilities other than autism. Therefore, the school provides special attention to children with autism like other children in the society.


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