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The Effective Management of Service Process

The Virgin Trains concentrates on travel and tours using of electric trains. With this regards, the main resources that assist in maintaining the business include trains, workforce and technology. Trains contribute deeply to the business success since it forms the major source of revenue that the organization relies upon. Train makes the capital base of the firm. Under this measure, the company needs to look for a strategy that will ensure least cost in servicing the trains. Service costs may include repair of the rails, maintaining the technology that assist in making the train move among other things (International Labour Office, 34).

Maximizing the use of various services that will see the minimization of cost will enable the firm to reduce the expenditure significantly. At first, the company needs to provide transport routes with the least cost in comparison with the destination. The company must specify the rates of transport fares to the destination and compare the revenues with the costs have being used in the service maintaining. In regards to this, the company will have to choose the best route available to minimize the cost and maximize profits. In addition, the company should take opportunities when they come (Johnston & Clark, 23).


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Economic climate is never stagnant, and with this reason, organizations need to be proactive in the decision-making process. Under such ideology, the Virgin Trains has to consider the changing demands of the market to ensure maximization of profits. By doing this, the company needs to allocate the trains where the demand for transportation is very high. For instance, the company needs to take advantage of the projected growth in the passengers number on the West Coast routes. The growth will increase the length of Pendolino sets, thus efficiently utilizing the resource (International Labour Office, 67).

Use of Technology

The second resource that the company uses in the production process is technology. Technology is a dynamic resource that grows every time. With this concern, the organization has to ensure modern technology is used efficiently. The modern technology should be inlined with the resources that are available. Use of electric trains in the transportation sector requires a number of things. The construction of the rails that will accommodate with the trains needs technology of the best quality. Under this segment, usage of an appropriate technology in the service will ensure efficient utilization of available resources. Additionally, technology will reduce the cost of operation, thus maximizing the firm profits. Maximum allocation of resources to sectors that have huge amounts of revenue will lead to accomplishment of the company. The owner of the Virgin Trains, Sir Richard Branson, launched a campaign that will see the next franchise period extend for 20 to 30 years. The ideal point of allocating such amount of money is to ensure that infrastructures remain to be perfect in the purpose of return from investment. With this in mind, it needs to ensure that the appropriate technology is used in the venture to maximize output. Never the less, technology may affect the organization with a great loss. Adaptability of technology to the available resources is a limitation that may affect the business success. Technology is very expensive, and in the case of inappropriate usage, it may cause losses to the company (Johnston & Clark, 23).

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The third resource that the company uses in its production process is the workforce. The workforce entails the employees who assist in the production process. Employees remain to be the main forces that control the production of the firm. Under their capacity, they give customers the services that are paid in return for the services. Employees work in different categories within the organizationwith respect to their profession. According to this point, learning of the economies effect is an obligatory thing that they need to have before working. The human resource management has the capacity of measuring the scale before employment process. Within the Virgin Trains, the workforce from different departments has skills and knowledge of practice within their departments. The employees, with their professionalism, give the clients quality services that attract more clients. In addition to the economies of learning effect, the organization makes usage of the training workshops where the employees are trained of handling things by the modern ways. Since technology grows every time, the workforce needs to be conversant with the available innovation in order to take advantage of the market. Trainings and workshops expand the know-how of the workforce, thereby increase their productivity level (Johnston & Clark, 45).

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Despite workforce being a major resource in the company, the management needs to ensure the allocation of the labor force coincide with the services that the company gives. This relates to the economies of learning effect and proficiency in the field of profession. Different departments have dissimilar activities that need specialization. Without utilizing the specialization concept, the firm will not be utilizing the available resource efficiently, thus limiting the production process (Peppard & Looy, 34).


Finally, it is clear that the effective management of service process, human service and resource allocation are significant elements in the business success. The important thing is the way they apply for the organization. The management has to ensure that the strategies mentioned above are applied efficiently within the service of the organization. The Virgin Trains will have to use the strategies for success closely considering the limitations that may influence the running of the business. Additionally, the company has to ensure that it considers the new opportunities that may increase the capacity to make profits. These opportunities may include empowerment within the employees, workshops trainings, adaptation to new technology and finding of new markets for their products. This will help in expanding the production capacity tby maximizing their profits. The management needs to ensure that the available opportunities are relevant to the service they provide. Major inputs of the firm are the capital and employees. These significant resources need to be improved every time there is an upgrade. With this in mind, the business will remain successful. 



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