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Human Resource Management Perspectives

Human resource management is the management of people in organizations from a macro-perspective. It forms the collective relationship between management and employees. Consequently, it is the process of managing people in a thorough manner. On the converse, personal management is workforce centered, while human resource management is resource centered. Personal management is the core organizational activities, and takes a responsive approach to changes in strategy within the organization. This implies that these two forms of management work in contrast with each other. Armstrong (2010, p120) asserts that the key purpose of human resource management is to improve the productive contribution of people within the employer and employee fraternity. The roles of HRM in an organization include job analysis, human resource planning, recruitment of employees, compensations, employee relations and industrial relations. However, the mandate of human resource management has both the negative and positive approaches of influence on employee relations. The approach towards contribution or undermining the relations of employees depends on the nature of management. For the credibility of the human resource management, an organization should employ skilled labor that is vital for critical decision making.

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This essay describes the impact of human resource management on improved employee relations. It critically gives both the positive perspective of how HRM contributes to improved employee relations and how it strains the relations.

Firstly, management of employees on a macro-perspective, which means managing people in the form of a collective relationship between employees, has a positive impact on employee relations. It enhances discipline among the employees. According to Dessler (2012, p90), this is the principal factor underpinning improved relations among employees. HRM streamlines employer levels of performance of duty; the top level management is the key in decision making. This implies that members within organizations are shielded from any possible source of conflict on emerging issues since the protocol is well stipulated. Gabarro (1992, p33) confirms that upper management level has the task of correction of unproductive behavior, which enhances discipline.

Human resource management is essential in incentive management. Once the employees are given the incentives, it culminates to boosted morale, which gives the employees the chance of commitment. As the employees get dedicated to work they build passion within themselves, which sires good relations.

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The human resource management also contributes to employee relations through building up of employee experience (Griffin & Moorhead 2011, p 120). This is essential in building up the relations among the employees through employer branding. Once the employees are experienced, they are likely to be retained into the company. This reduces chances of dismissal and once employees have more time with each other, they are likely to bond well.

HRM is also essential in the calculation of returns on training investment by weighing the productivity of a group. This gives the employee a better opportunity of getting acquainted with the work. Training imparts the necessary skill required for efficient productivity. Once each employer is given a chance of essential training, there is a possibility of improved relations as every employer knows what role they have to play within the organization.

HRM has the mandate of listening to the issues of the employees. This gives employees a chance to raise issues affecting them. Such discussions bring together all the employees with different issues seeking address (Holbech & Mayo, 2012). Such meetings come up with resolutions that help solve relations within the working environment.

Since human resource management is endowed with the responsibility of leadership and culture, it is possible to retain core values within the organization. Most of the organizations have their core values that foster towards protecting the integrity of the employee. Once these core values are retained, they help in maintaining the relations within the working forces.

However, the influence of HRM has a negative impact too. For instance, it is hard to rebuild trust among the workforce after a lay off. This means that once the organization decides to reduce the workforce due to financial constrains or other factors, trust among the workers laid off and the recruiting staff is strained. The trust that once existed withers out to an extent that it is hard to rebuild.

Mathis & Jackson( 2011, p34), points out that human resource management strains employee relationships emanating from anxiety over job security. Most employees suffer from anxiety when their employer lies off the staff. Most of the human resource managers keep the employer waiting on expected future layoffs. This causes disruptions within the organization and vastly affects the employee relations.

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The human resource management is a source of anger from employees when a company downsizes. When this happens, some employees might are left with a feeling of guilt and anger after seeing their colleagues lose their jobs. It is also hard for management to fix all the needs that the employees have. This often causes reduced morale and job satisfaction, which is a negative feature on the employee relations, some employees might feel that the job is too demanding than they can give.

The human resource management might also contribute to strained relations among employees through promotions. It is essentially the duty of the human resource management to effect recruitments and give promotions. If policies on these promotions do not give a transparent structure over which employees are elevated in rank, such that it exposes bias, then the employees will feel betrayed, a factor that might affect the relations among them. This might further result into a rift between the employee and the human resource management.

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The other negative impact of human resource management on employee relations is ineffective recruitment. The department is endowed with recruitment and hiring of employees. If this process is not done in accordance with the screening policies stipulated by the organization, it might lead to ineffective recruitments. Once the working force is not qualified or has some individuals who are not conversant with their duties, some tasks might be left unattended to. This might lead to conflict within the working fraternityespecially in a setting where tasks link through chains. Once one part of the chain does not deliver, the whole process will be in jeopardy. This might provoke employees to spend time pointing fingers at each other, which in turn soils the relationship.

The other way that the human resource management can spoil the employee relations is in the struggle for hierarchy (Rainey, 2009). There are situations when an organization is vulnerable to downfall due to selfish interests emanating from segmentation of hierarchy. The wrangles within the management might cause a rift within the parties.

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The other way that human resource management can contribute to deterioration of employee relations is by being authoritative. Wood ( 2009, p54) asserts that once an organization has authoritative management, the employees become rebellious. This results into rifts that might lead to disintegration of the organization.

It is also a common practice for human resource management to be a victim of non-compliance especially in the field of commercial leaves. When an employer seeks a time off the duty, it is the role of HRM to grant permission. The result for such a break from work is known to be biased.

In conclusion, the positive indication in terms of relations within the framework of an organization that is instigated by human resource management outweighs the negative impacts. Since most of the legal roles that deal with relations within the organization are dependent on decisions from the human resource management, it is essential that every organization adopts these services. However, the skill of the human resource management should be the key to the success of this adoption. It is essential that all the management is professional. This is vital when it comes to making critical decisions that might not undermine the value and strength of the employees. For instance, while conducting layoffs, the criteria should be transparent to give chance to hard work and qualifications in order to minimize chances of a feeling of betrayal. The recruitment exercise should also be transparent to give employees who are qualified a chance to work together. This strengthens the bond and eventually the relations of the employees. It is therefore essential to note that management of an organization should not only involve material resources, but also human resource, which involves training of employees, recruiting of employees, and managing character. This vastly contributes to good relations within the organization. The human resource management needs streamlining in order to carter for the unity and relations among the employees. It should be transparent and works towards winning the confidence of the public and the employees in general.


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