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A Management Development Programme

A management development programme for a new manager aims at the building of quality management and leadership skills that are complemented by some of the primary functional skill. This programme will aid the promoted individual from a post of a Cinema Assistant to the Cinema Manager post to get the confidence and the capability of effective response to the current and the future organization challenges in the manager post. This programme includes the following, Self Management Skills, Organizational, Interpersonal and Motivational Skills, Management and Administrative Effectiveness Skills, and Leadership Effectiveness Skills (Leather & Fletcher, 2010).

- The self management skills

The self management skills entail that the manager understands the individual weakness, strengths and the needed development in the organization. This s achieved via aspects such as the recognition of the developmental needs, self evaluation of the manager, emotional intelligence and the ability f the manager to have a long life leaning. In addition, in the self management stage of the development programme, the manager also needs to apply the seven habits of the highly successful individuals. The personal management skills involve such as the personal quality and time management, taking responsibility of issues and the individual commitment to the organization (Randhawa, 2007).

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-Organizational, Interpersonal and Motivational Skills

This is the second level of the development programme that involves first, the interpersonal skills in the setting of an organization. This involves the ability of the manager to work with all kinds of people in the organization, the ability to solve conflicts in the organizational and understanding of the various organizational cultures. Second, the creation of the basis for leadership and management involves the establishment and creation of interpersonal trust, functional competences, mutual respect and professionalism. Third, the organizational management of human capital that involves the analysis of a business structure, the creation of effective teams, the recruiting, training and development and understanding of the motivations of the employees. Finally, the aspect of leadership by example enables the manager to set standards via a persona example, handling of authority and the assuming of responsibility in the organization (Rahim, 2010)

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Management and Administrative Effectiveness Skills

This is a third level of the programme that involves, first, effective management in a business organization. This step starts with the manager defining terms such as success, organizational cultures, business structures, solutions to organizational empowerment, the connection between delegations on, responsibility and authority, the supportive internal controls in the business and the organizational planning and succession   to employees and colleagues. Second, the manager should be able to handle the management of change. This is achieved via the creation of an environment for change, the understanding of a need for change, creation of an organization buy-in, the overcoming of business interpersonal barrier to change and ensuring that changes stick. Third, the decision making level of the programme involves the management analysis and decision making. The business cultures the risk and decision making and the business impediments to decision making.  Finally, this level of the programme contains the financial management basics such as the financial planning and budgeting and understanding and interpreting the financial statement (McCarthy, 2006).


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