Table of Contents
Juvenile justice refers to the ensuing legal issues that arise when a minor encounters legal instruments upon committing a crime. Juvenile system has been evolving and occupying a central place in the legal system; however, vagueness regarding the age of criminal responsibility continues to surround the system. The ramifications of this vagueness are dire on the accused and the society within a social context. Children’s rights are facing gross violation, and construing of international treaties on juvenile justice is wrong. National policies are misguiding the endeavor to correct juvenile delinquency by lowering the age of criminal responsibility and criminalizing children. This is so in countries that is setting the age at even lower levels alleging allegiance to international agreements. Researches abound on a number of ambiguous clauses such as the age of responsibility. There is also an opaque character regarding the rehabilitative versus the retributive result of the juvenile system. The development of juvenile justice is driven by policies that keep deviating from the course expected of protecting into criminalizing the child by failing to appreciate the factor age plays towards achieving or failing in the Juvenile system’s overall endeavor (Unicef, 2008).
The Impact
The vagueness, departure from purpose and injustices are creating social pain and blending a society, which is non-repentant. Juvenile delinquency continues to rise, but the legal systems constantly miss the point. Children continue to face injustice through abuse of the discretionary powers by juvenile judges. Given the low age that countries are setting, with others proposing to take them lower, evidence of inadequate legal presentation abound. Consequently, the probability of a child self-incriminating him/herself is rife. As a necessity, this paper states that juvenile justice does matter in light of the age of children and its ties to their rights, achievement of the system’s endeavors, and deviation of the system from purpose and criminalization of children. Of an immense concern are the shortcomings that the juvenile systems in setting ages of responsibility congruent with the purpose of rehabilitation. A number of articles indicate specific aspects of age in juvenile justice system that makes it a matter of concern in review. Its ties to all other aspects and outcomes make it a central issue of immense import. This is in the context of its ramifications on society and juvenile family’s natural responsibilities to children of minority age (Friedman, 2009).
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