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Employment Procedures

There are several laws that have been formulated to guard potential employees against being discriminated by  company’s employers. For example, the law prohibits company’s form discriminating against qualified but disabled persons whenever companies are hiring new workers. The law also requires companies to offer conducive conditions that will enable all disabled workers to work easily within the company, such as the establishment of ramps and modified washrooms.

The law also places some guidelines concerning the payment of employees. For example, the law stipulates that no worker should be paid a wage rate that fall below the minimum wage rate stipulated by the government of the land. The law also requires that all employees working on a similar level in a company should be paid an equal amount of salary. Protection against the discrimination of workers on the basis of gender or race is also prohibited by law. The law requires that all qualified job applicants for an employment position should be employed without considering their race or gender. Age discrimination of job applicants is also prohibited by law provided that job applicants are above the minimum required age for employment (Browning, Setting Up a Limited Company:, 2001).   


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Legislation Governing Health and Safety Issues of a New Business

Any new business has to consider the requirements of legislations that govern the health and safety issues of a business. One of the requirements of the legislation governing health and safety issues of a business is that all companies should have a health and safety policy that should be put into writing. The health and safety policy outlines the approach taken by a company to ensure that its equipment and working environment are safe for its workers. A procedure of how to deal with any issues endangering the safety of the company’s employees is also outlined in the health and safety policy of a company.

A company is also required by law to carry out frequent risk assessments of its business. Risk assessments involve the evaluation and identification of risks in a business that may affect the health and safety of personnel working in the business.  Any situations that may cause company employees to fall or collide are assessed. The safety of a company’s machinery is also assed to reduce the risk that it may electrocute or injure company personnel. The risk assessment of a company also involves analyzing situations that are likely to cause physical or mental stress on a company’s personnel.

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The law also requires all business to uphold high standards of hygiene in the company. The law stipulates that all activities such as washing or cleaning of business premises should be done frequently. Law also requires the provision of water and proper sanitation procedures in companies. Furthermore, the law provides that companies dealing with dangerous materials or chemicals should establish safeguards that will prevent their employee from the negative effects of the hazards caused by the materials dealt with by the business (Steingold, 2011).

Legislation Governing a Contract of Employment

All companies must formulate a contract of employment before hiring employees to work for them. There are several requirements of the legislation governing the content of contracts of employment. For example, contracts of employment should state the name of the employer and the employee. Contracts of employment should also state the day an employee starts working and the rate of pay or salary that will be given to an employee. The legislation governing contracts of employment provides for the number of hours that an employee should work as well as issues relating the number of days an employee is allowed to go on leave.

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The legislation on contracts of employment also outlines the terms that address issues concerning the incapacitation or inability of a worker to work for a company as a result of sickness or injury. The duties of an employee in a company, as well as the job description of an employee, should also be outlined in a contract. The law also requires a contract of employment to outline the disciplinary measures that will be taken on an employee if he/she acts in breach of the employment contract entered into with the company. The procedure of dismissing or firing an employee is also outlined in a contract of employment. Terms concerning the contribution of the company to the pension fund of an employee are also outlined in a contract of employment (Border & Fairweather, 2004).



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