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Journalism involves telling stories that cover different cultures across the world. Stories injournalismcreatean impact to thepublicwhen it delivers different skills to them, which assists in solving behavioral problems. Lorimerand other authors claim that Journalism exists in anarrationformand their stories assist in reducing uncontrolled anger especially in children. They also allege that journalism stories revolve on the daily occurrences in the society and lack the news value when the media repeat the narration often. In my opinion, journalists play a significant role in the society when they deliver factual stories. The reporters ensure that they eliminate all the forms of fictions from the story to satisfy the public interest. Journalists use the available space and time to cover their stories to ensure that they do not loose their news value for the first time when people read, listen or watch the information they deliver. Through journalists, the public access news and thisfactoraresignificantin the settings or societies because it reveals the current affairs to people.


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Journalism is vital in a way that, it plays a role of protecting the minorities in the society and people’s freedom as a whole. According to my view, news is not just narrations, but they are significant to the community in a way that, the citizens contribute to the opinions that determine the information delivered by journalists. For instance, journalists interview people to get facts and thus, it cannot be story telling because it does not involve fictions, which are most evident in the normal stories. The press is beneficial when it comes to democratic matters; they do not just deliver stories but act as a watchdog. They keep an eye on the politicians and all the events that takes place in the public and enables people to participate in democracy. Therefore, stories in journalism are facts that revolve around what takes place around us. They involve people to express their opinions, which contribute to real news other than what other groups perceive as a normal way of storytelling.

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Lorimerand his colleaguesclaimthatnewsis a form of story telling since it involvesentertainment, which talks about the past and thenewtrends. They perceivethe news reports as myths, whichaffectlives on a daily basis, and thisresultto an argument, why the authorsconsiderthenewsas stories. In relation to this story, news becomestalewhen exposed to the public and if they repeat severally, they turn out to be like thenormalnarrated stories.

Entertainment is a form of delivering news and through it; peoplegetupdates ondifferentemerging issues thatcontaina wide variety of stories. This contributes to the idea thatnewsexist in a way of telling and sharing stories. In another perspective, journalists reject the idea that their profession makes themappearlike mere storytellers. Theyconsiderthemselves relevant to thesocietybecause theypassinformation that is relevantespeciallyto the modern democracy; it gives themlighttodiscoverwhat is new. This led toconcernwhether the fact that the journalists think they aresmartapplies also to the quality ofnewstheyproduce. Those in the mediaprofessiondismiss the issue regarding it to be a form ofbiasagainst the media. They fail toagreewith the authors whoclaimthatnewsoccur in narration form that isrepetitiveand irrelevant.

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In respond toLorimerand hisfriend’s point of view, Journalists argue that,newsmay be fluctuating, but thissituationdoes notoccurin many contexts. To them,newsmayappearin theformof narrations because of the resources available and the daily happenings this determines thenatureofnewsdelivered to the public. Although the authors viewnewsas a way of storytelling, it has animpactin bringing change in a social setting. They test this by analyzing what the journalistsbelievein relation to what interests thepublic.According toLorimerand other authors, they consider news delivered by the media to benormalstories unless when its content is relevant andstrongother than normalwayof passing information.

On the other hand, journalists are extremelybeneficialto thesocietybecause it is through them that the society access to relevant information from a trusted source. Mediacreateopinions thatmouldthe social behaviors and morals of the society apart from what the authorsperceivethem in taking part in delivering repeated stories. The perception ofjournalismaformof story telling reveals how thesocietyis all about according to the happenings. Through the stories, the public learns thatnewsis about the realities that take place around us. It affects the society in a way that, peopleadoptviolentbehaviors or tolerate in aspects theyface, or becomepermissive.The stories that people watch on Televisionrepeatedlyhave effects on the young people.The youth tend toemulatethe seriousstuffthey watch andapplythem inlife.

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Although people view information from the media asordinarystories, Journalism is still relevant as it links thepublicto acquiring current details from thefieldof politics. Theyrevealsignificant information to people on the groundlevelabout their leaders. This makes peopleto thinkcritically onpoliticalmatters that affect them in their on county and around the world.

Thetraditionalstudies suggest that stories from the media can be either facts or fictions, and this depends with the authenticity of the source. In relation to cultures, Scholars use two approaches in accessing the media stories toenhanceunderstanding. The firstapproachreveals that, media hasinfluenceon theirpeople’s opinions, which changes theirculture. The second approach puts journalists in apositionthat enables the public tocontroltheir social status and what they own. These cultural criticsexaminejournalists based on how theirprofessionaffects their personal life than what they believe in line with their profession. In spite of the view thatLorimerand other authors have inrelationwith the media stories and their reoccurrence, the fact remains that journalists are always responsible with the stories theywriteand their sources.

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Contrary to the information delivered by the authors on their views on media stories,journalismespeciallyprintdo not justgivestories to the public. They are businesses and to maintain their operations; they work with theaimof making profits. The scholarsclaimtheirnewsexistsin theformof repeated stories, but theycreatean impact in people’s lives every day.

The impact of the warfurtherresulted to hardships in the economy; the war inDRCcovered the Congolese and their neighbors, which lead to conflicts among the tribes because they wanted toaccessthe mineral resources. According to Wells, mining in Congo lead to health repercussions in which women and children became affected more in the process because of the fiber that penetrated to their lungs. The writer reveals the massrapeof 300 women in the mines nearLuvungivillage caused by the exploiters armed tograbthe resources. She describes the scene as anagonythat increased the rate of sexual violence in the region. Mining in Congo benefit to thenewsas it brought light and exposed the risk the Congo citizens faced because of mining, which destroyed their economy.

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In conclusion, the journalists need appreciation and respect from the society members for keeping them updated on the current matters in the society, ranging from the political issues to education and home affairs. The citizens should view the information they deliver as newsworthy and not narration forms. The story of mining in Congo reveals the pathetic conditions the country went through that inflated their economy. The reporter Wells and the photographer Oleniuk does a great job of exposing the harsh situations that people faced that exposed the children and women to risks such as rape. This resulted to creating awareness for the other states to know about their conditions and assist them.



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