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Woodrow Wilson’s Rationale
1) Woodrow Wilson’s rationale for engaging in World War I (note the theme of an individual’s right of God-given freedoms). January, 1918 to November, 1918

Woodrow Wilson was the American president at the time of the war. He played an important role in bringing to an end the war. In January, 1918, Wilson gave a powerful speech at the American Congress where he gave the recommendations to be followed to end the war (Randall 2005). He advocated for the freedoms of individuals based on the equality. He claimed that every individual had a right that he or she was given by God the Almighty. This led to the return to God for the divine intervention against the war.

The speech became the focal point of peace in the war. The powerful points are as illustrated below: He declared an end to the secret agreements. He suggested that the open covenants and treaties should be brought into practice. There was also supposed to a very free navigation of sea vessels within the waters. Unnecessary economic barriers should be removed from the countries cooperation strategies (Wynn 2010).


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The countries had to reduce the weapon numbers and masses to recognized levels. The decisions concerning the colonies should be impartial. This would reduce he animosity between the colonial powers. The German army should vacate Russia and Russia thus left to install and grow its political arena. Belgium should be granted independence. France should recapture Alsace- Lorraine and be fully liberated. Italians to be allowed to live in their country.

The inhabitants of Austria – Hungary should have self determination. The same should apply to the Balkan States (Wynn 2010). Turkish government should only the Turkish citizens and the others should be left to govern by themselves. Poland should be granted independence and access to the sea. The League of Nations would be created to protect the political and territorial independence of the states.

2) The cultural milieu of the Roaring Twenties and its impact on the Great Depression. From 1920 to 1929

The roaring twenties were the period of the 1920’s where America was recovering from the effect ts war. It came with lots of good developments. Otherwise not all was good as it seemed to be. There was the wise president at the helm of ending war. President Wilson tried much and stopped the war through treaties, League of Nations and reduction in tariffs (Wynn 2010).

There was a general fear of the spirit of communism that was developing in the country. Individuals became hostile towards some of the enacted laws in the constitutional amendment of 1918. The literary world became very famous as most writers came to the lime light to show their master pieces. The workers could be paid better wages. The stock market got a very big boost. There were better and affordable medical care and facilities to the citizens.

3) The causes and consequences of the Great Depression and its socio-economic impact on American society. From 1929 to 1941

The great depression had an effect in almost every country in the west. As much as most vices arose during this period, some families were also united due to the crisis. The mass migrations gave America some form. Stronger businesses came up as some perished. It brought with it rise in crime rates due to high rate of unemployment (Randall 2005). Suicide and prostitution rates also were on the rise. Alcoholism increased as individuals to hide from the reality. The access to medical care was extremely minimal. Access to higher education was very minimal as the Universities and colleges could admit very few students. The schools on the other hand, had very high enrolment rates with most males in school than their female counterparts. The schools were understaffed and this forced most of them to close down.

Population patterns changed greatly. Marriages were delayed as the males had to wait till they could fully provide for their spouses before proposing (Null 2009). Divorce reduced while the rate of abandonment rose as most husbands chose to run away from their families due to failure to provide for them. Birth rates dropped exponentially as most people decided to practice family planning programs so as to have a manageable family. Mass migrations occurred as the upstate New York lost individuals seeking greener pastures.

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