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Thesis Statement and Summary

A thesis statement informs readers of what an essay is talking about and the ideas and points the writer is trying to prove. It develops the basis of the argument of a paper. Is compares one or more works and provides an inference. The works compared can be anything from what has been seen, read from newspapers or books, or got from experiments. A thesis statement should go beyond a summary because before writing it, one should be in a position to know the relationships between many sources, he or she must understand what each source argue about, make judgments, and draw his own conclusions. In order to make judgments, one has to go beyond the summaries he or she made. The judgments should be based on the critical evaluating of the information from the sources. Moreover one has to go through different sources to determine the relationship that exist between them (Carter).


Conclusions allow writers to give their verdict on what they have discussed in an essay. For the writer to appeal to the reader in his or her conclusion, he or she should first restate his or her thesis statement. Since the writer has explained his or her arguments on the body, he or she should modify the thesis statement to be based on the facts and evidence provided in the paper. He or she should then touch on the major points of argument on the paper. This proves and supports the thesis statement. Finally, the writer should finish using a quote that supports his or her thesis or use a sentence that act as a final “exclamation point” (Ursillo).  The main reason for writing an appealing conclusion is to bring attract emotions of the reader towards the conclusions reached by the writer.



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