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Tthe Legal and Ethical Dimensions

Annotated bibliography on the legal and ethical dimensions or issues of the use of information based on Davies, J. E. written on August 10 2008. This information is found in the world library information centre in an article titled legal, ethical, and political dimensions or aspects of managing. This is retrieved on November 23, 2011, from a hyperlink titled http /www .ifla .org /pdf http /www .ifla .org. This was the information aired in an annual conference of the IFLA. This is an international or global organization of all the library professionals. The article tries as much as possible to outline how the Europeans try to approach issues related to information privacy. This base on those individuals who use the library information the author is a visitor to the library science department in the University of Loughborough in the United Kingdom. The article consists of full text and in text citation of the most recent conferences in the organization. It consists of an article by Gordon, E. and Daugherty, C. K. heating one on the head: Prognosis disclosure for patients suffering from advanced cancer. Biothics, 17,2, 142-168. Retrieved on November 23, 2011, from the hyperlink http /search .ebscohost .com. the article discusses the ethics from the use of detailed information to diagnose cancer patients.


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Annotated bibliography on the effects of watching television for young children is detrimental to language development. This based on a book by Evra, J. 2004. The book is titled Television and child development published in the city of Mahwah by the Lawrence Erlbaum Associates limited. Evra wrote this book after conducting a research regarding the effect of television on children’s language. This was after her masters’ studies in education. The book comes up with a summary of the already known by people regarding the effect associated with media on child social, emotional, and cognitive development. Towards the end, the book addresses the general issues that affect the child language development. To expound further on the effects of watching television for young children is detrimental to language development. Graham, J. in 2008 wrote a journal on television, children, and screen time. How viewing of television affect the children. (107). 423-426. Graham wrote this journal when he was in the University of Maine pursuing his doctorate. This was in his research regarding the impact of television on children. He stated that, in Maine, most of the parents restrict children on the television programs to watch as they claim that this have a significant impact on children language development. Diehl, C. D and Toelle, C. S. in 2004 wrote a journal titled, making reasonable decisions: Effect of television on learning and the cognitive development of children. Journal of the Applied Developmental Psychology, 29, 349-360. He also wrote this when he was in the University of Florida pursuing his degree course. This is on the analysis conducted in America regarding children, learning, and television. This journal, therefore, tries to explain the impacts of television on learning and child language development. He states that, we cannot deny the fact that televisions have a significant impact in shaping the lives children.



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