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Education of Individuals

The office of Human Research Protection has a division called the Division of Education and Development (DED). Its mission is to ensure human subjects receive protection in research, which the HHS supports or conducts. The department implements this mission by providing education to individuals who participate in research involving human subjects.

It does this through a number of ways.

First, it organizes and coordinates conferences to discuss and train individuals about protection of human subjects.

Secondly, the office usually comes up with assessment activities and conducts them on Human Research Protection programs.

In addition, the office also supports and funds cooperative education and development attempts from other likeminded groups to enhance processes of protecting human subjects.

The office of Human Research Protection also provides both educational and financial assistance to organizations that take part in research involving human subjects.

Lastly, the office ensures that they maintain, promulgate, and update adequate educational material and guidelines on protection of human subjects in research (Zachary, 2000).


The introduction of the office of human Research Protection is one of the important developments in the field of academic research, especially human research. Initially, there were many cases, where individuals who took part in various researches did not receive adequate protection from risks and other forms of exploitation. Such a group is a vulnerable group. This includes the AIDS victims, children below 18 years, and the prisoners. The coming into existence of the office of Human Research Protection brought light in the lives of this group of individuals. Because of the changing times in the lifestyles of people, the Office has frequently continued to update its system through amendments of the protection provisions, which they set some time back. All these efforts have raised the standards of human research and increased its professionalism. The introduction of the office has also improved the state of ethical standards in human research. For example, presently, any IRB must seek for complete consent from a child, or her parent before the child can participate in any research. In addition, for any child to participate in a research, the coordinators must assure the child very minimum risk. Therefore, one can conclude that the existence of the office of Human Research Protection has had a positive impact to research in general.



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