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Crevecoeur’s Description

Direction for essay: compare and contrast crevecoeur’s description of the races ,ethnic group, etc to your own description for the 21st century, what are the races ,ethnic groups and mixture of blood that defines 21st century Americans; compare and contrast Crevecoeur’s description of the most characteristic attitude with your description in the 21st century. What is the attitude that is most characteristics of 21st century; compare and contrast Crevecoeur’s description of the American dream with your description for the 21st century. What is the most typical goal(American dream) of 21st century Americans; compare and contrast crevecoeur’s description of the American virtues with your description for the 21st century. what virtues are embraced (choose at least three and define them before you discuss them) by the 21st century Americans

On essay body part, use one sentence to make transition from crevecoeur’s to your point. Example ….More than two hundred years later, the definition has changed somewhat but some of the insights made by crevecoeur’s still remains true of 21st century Americans.


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