This essay investigates the literature available on organizational performance. It focuses on performance measures for emergency communications in terms of calls received, calls dispatched, calls per telecommunicator/dispatcher as well as the cost per call. In addition, the essay focuses on the percentage of calls answered within three rings; the average time from call receipt to dispatch and the dispatcher error rate. According to literature, these parameters are categorized into workload measure (output measure), efficiency measure—ratio of outputs to resources and effectiveness measure (outcome measure). Basically, these parameters are supposed to gauges the service quality or the extent to which objectives are being met. Moreover, they are supposed to help to select the four measures from this set that are considered to be the most important (Kettl, 2006).
Performance measurement and monitoring deals with checking of the service offered at predetermined and random times and is mainly based on accessing the progress that have been made so far and therefore helpful in knowing what adjustments are to be made so that the clients are better served. This process can be separated into; work load measure, efficiency measure and effectiveness measure. Workload measure is the amount of work that an employee is assigned to perform or is expected to have done over a given period of time. This emerges from thee interaction between what a task requires and the conditions under which it is performed, the skills it requires, how one is expected to behave and the perceptions of the operator. It therefore provides a measure of how much output an individual employee generated and can be useful in decision making (Kettl, 2006).
Efficiency measure gives the measure of how well the resources are used to generate outputs by the company or organization. It is also the ability to accomplish a given task with the least possible resource. It depicts the level of competence an employee has and therefore can be used in determining what actions to take when it falls below a given level. Effectiveness measure on the other hand is the degree to which the task to be done by an employee are accomplished or how the problems that were being targeted are solved. Effectiveness measure does not take into consideration the costs involved but rather the accomplishment of the tasks. It also takes into consideration the quality of the services offered by the employee and therefore can be used for ranking (O'Hara, 2005).
The calls received can be categorized under the workload measure since the number of calls the employee receives simply shows how much work he did for that given period of time. This measure also does not show the quality of the service that was offered by the employee neither does it shows how much resource was used. Calls dispatched also are categorized under the workload measure since it is the measure of outputs that were delivered over that period of time. It has no quality dimension neither does it have any quality of output that is involved and hence just a measure of the volume of work done (Kettl, 2006).
The calls per tele-communicator also falls under workload measure since it shows the number of calls that each tele-communicator is expected to handle over a given time period. It is therefore an indicator of the average number of calls that an operator is expected to take care of.
The cost per call made by the operator falls under effectiveness measure as it has the cost dimension and therefore shows how the employee used the resources available to accomplish the task that was assigned. The higher the cost per call, the less efficient the employee is and thus the lower the efficiency measure (Richard, 2009).
Percentage of calls answered within three rings is categorized under effectiveness measure because it indicates how well the tasks were accomplished. This shows how dedicated the employee was to the task and receiving the call within the first three rings is a high quality service and one will be contented that the organization is committed in offering them the service hence said to be effective. The average time from call receipt to call dispatch is an effective measure since it measures haw fast a feedback was given to the person to be served. This measure does not involve the amount of resources that was used by the employee neither does it has the amount of output produced therefore it can only be an effectiveness measure. Effectiveness also has the quality dimension and therefore if the reaction time is shorter, the service is considered to be of higher quality as compared to a slower reacting time (Kettl, 2006).
Dispatcher error rate also falls under effectiveness measure since it is an indicator of the rate of accomplishing a given task. High dispatcher error rate shows low effectiveness of the service while a lower one would mean a more effective system. When this rate is low, the quality of the service is also perceived to be higher than if the error rate would be higher. Since this measure has no value on resources used, it does not qualify to be a measure of efficiency. The most important measures that the employees should lay more emphasis on are; percentage calls answered within three rings, dispatcher error rate, average time from call receipt to dispatch and cost per call (O'Hara, 2005).
In conclusion, these measures are mainly falling under the effectiveness and efficiency measures. This is important because the services being offered are urgent in nature and therefore effectiveness has to be given the first priority. Since resources are also limited, effectiveness has to come in to allow for the effective utilization and therefore no unnecessary wastages.
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