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Understanding Sport Organizations

This coursework investigates the literature that is available on sports organizations. It accesses the situation at EasternMichiganUniversity and establishes the motives behind their active participation in sports. In addition, it establishes the opinion of the author of “Understanding Sport Organizations” regarding the goal-oriented approach to sports.

The pursuit of victory has never been the only motivating factor in sporting organizations. For instance, sports organizations are mostly driven by the desire to revenge against teams that have humbled them in the past. In addition, there is also the aspect of historical attachment of certain sports organizations with success in particular sporting fields. Thus, their teams go into competitions with a fixed mind that their history of success must be guarded. However, the best approach in assessing the effectiveness of sporting activities is the social impact that they have on the participants. For instance, it should enhance their leadership skills as well as their decision making abilities,

The author criticizes the goal-oriented attitude as being quite flawed in that it leaves out certain important aspects of social development or resources. For instance, the scarcest resource that needs to be urgently developed is energy in the form of human activity. This will, in turn, be used in service to the community and to impart certain social influences to the larger community. Generally, resources with low liquidity like high morale among sports participants are the scarcest. This is because the participants have to inherently generate them as there are no other ways of imparting them. In addition, resources that depreciate on storage are relatively scarcer as compared to those with a constant value. For instance, high effectiveness in a particular sport has to be used to win as many matches as possible before stronger opponents emerge. Essentially, this article is quite persuasive in the assertion that winning alone is never adequate in sports. However, the ability to positively use the sports activity or the sporting personalities to influence the general public suffices.

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In conclusion, victory should never be the fundamental motive of sports organizations. Such organizations should focus on harnessing the sporting talents or events to positively influence the public.



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