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The Continental Senior Center

The scope of this evaluation plan will be addressing the program that senior generations living within the city of Westminster attend. The principal goal of the evaluation process will be to determine what health issues that the elderly face during their old age. The process will involve those already in the senior generation programs in the city, the group that will form the main respondents. The plan will also provide its evaluation on effectiveness. It will further determine the necessary recommendation that should be enhanced to reduce the recurrence of the health problems that will be determined during the study. Further, the plan will carry out a post study research that will look to determine whether the recommendations issued had any significant effects on the health issues of the aged. In the study, the various diseases that affect the aged will be determined and their solutions suggested. In this case, the causes that may include among other possible reasons, poor diet due to frail jaws, less attention by the family members and little attention by the government will be addressed. The information will help come up with the best remedies for the problems.

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To come up with a successful and accurate data, two teams will be used. The first team will be used during the study to collect data, while the second one will collect data once the recommendations have been implemented to determine the level of their success or failure. These two teams should be different in order to ensure that the data obtained is not biased by the fact that the post research survey members will not have an idea of what the treatments could have been during the first phase of data collection. A coordinator will oversee the whole process. Three departments will be put up within the teams, the first dealing with data collection, the second on logistics and the third on the groups’ welfare. Each group will be managed by a manager who will report directly to the coordinator. An advisory committee will be set aside the teams to increase the credibility of the data collected. The committee will oversee all the activities carried out during the plan implementation and a competent analyst will look into the data critically and determine its authenticity as well as carry out the final analysis of the data collected. The data analyst will work closely with the chief report writer and author to determine the best ways to disseminate the information obtained to the necessary authorities and audience.

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Data will be collected by a team of competent statisticians who will despite working under a manager will have other senior members within the group who will be more competent and more experienced. Comprehensive training on the teams regarding the activities that the team will carry out in the field will be offered by highly competent researchers to ensure that the data obtained will be of the best quality possible. Health on the elderly will be addressed exhaustively during the training process to ensure that they have enough background of the problem.

This evaluation plan is laid out to determine the health issues that old people face and how the problem is escalated by the government policies or family members owing to the increased young families’ immigration to the area. The consequences of such violations of the elderly rights might cost a country the cultural values leave alone the humanitarian needs of these people. The incidents are common in the community centers and are on the rise.

The plan will bring forth possible collaborations the elderly center can partner with social and health services to provide it with food and housing support. To accomplish this, the plan will address other factors such the arrival of new immigrants, homeless individuals, and people in congregate settings. After the study is done, the elderly will be able to have the correct diet, and those responsible for their care will have ample knowledge on how to take care of their elder members of the society who depend on them. Education on proper nutrition and proper government support to the old will be passed and implemented by the necessary authorities who are responsible for the welfare of the aged. More centers for the aged would then be proposed in order to increase the for a for them to express their grievances and to cater for the large number of old people. It is through these programs that the elderly people will be fed with adequate information regarding their diet and lifestyles as they advance in age.

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The evaluation process that will be carried out later will provide the program with a rating of success on whether the process had any positive results. The indicators will include the diets and the number of times that the elderly visited the programs as well as the health facilities.

For both parts of the study, structured questionnaires will be administered to the aged people. The data analysis software, SPSS will then be used to analyze the data to determine the trends and help in coming up with valid recommendations. Data will then be presented in statistical diagrams such as bar charts and pie charts. F-tests will then be used at 95% confidence level. The report obtained will then be distributed to the necessary authorities for implementation and the data from individual respondents will be kept confidential and will only be used for research purposes.


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