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Process and Outcome Evaluation

A process evaluation quantitatively describes how something was done.  Its main aim is to gain an understanding on how a program was carried how and to gauge whether the steps followed meet the required standards. It normally inspects whether a program is carried out as earlier designed. It gives an outline of how a program was carried out with an objective of identifying the components which are responsible for the outcome. Outcome evaluation on the other hand, assesses the impact of a program. It evaluates how effective a program was carried out and determines whether the program has met the desired goals (Process and Outcome Evaluations, n.d).

Examples of Process and Outcome Evaluation

The multimedia provides various examples of process and outcome evaluation. The local Chamber of Commerce spending one hundred hours when recruiting runners for its annual Arts Run Run is a process evaluation since it quantitatively describes how the Chamber performed its recruitment. In addition, community closet collecting one thousand boxes of food and clothing is a process evaluation. This is because it describes how the food and clothing were collected.


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A program staff contacting former employment readiness client with an aim of determining how successful they were in securing and retaining employment is an outcome evaluation because it aimed to provide feedback on the results of the program. Another example of an outcome evaluation from the multimedia is when the police department compared DUI arrests made in 2004with those made during post awareness campaigns in 2006. Its aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the two arrests (Process and Outcome Evaluations, n.d).



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