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The Importance of Elementary Education


Elementary education refers to the first phase of compulsory education that children obtain during the few years of starting schooling. This education has specific goals that meet the special needs that children have. The period taken to complete this primary education differs from state to state, for instance in countries like Canada and the United States, elementary education goes for a period of six to seven years once children have begun schooling. In spite of the fact that this education is compulsory, it can be offered at home by parents. The benefits of this education cannot be underestimated and all efforts are directed at ensuring that this education gets universally recognized (Cohen & Malin, 2010). This essay discusses the importance of elementary education.

Education can be considered to be the most vital asset that the society has because knowledge is the priceless wealth that people will never mislay under any circumstances, and the further the knowledge gets shared, the further it will advance. Therefore, elementary education forms the foundation for gaining basic knowledge without which the dream of children will become impossible. Elementary education can be compared to the first stride that a person takes in life, it is impossible for people to run without first learning how they can walk (Long, 2000).


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Elementary education offers children an opportunity to have a group that is stable to interact. Usually, when children stay away from familiar faces, they tend to suffer for parting anxiety. However, with time and as the children start to attend preschool, they interact with similar faces daily and regularly. This results to attachment with other children of their age, an aspect which is very vital in the growth and development of a child. Therefore, elementary education offers children a stable peer group interaction, playing, and sharing, whereas, adults who are associated with elementary education assists to develop the essential traits in children of trusting older people besides their grandparents and parents. Therefore, elementary education enables children to make friends who facilitate acquisition and development of vocabulary as children attend preschool. As children converse with their peers, they also learn how to make personal decisions, as well as choices. They are also able to participate and enjoy various activities and games with their friends. When in school, their listening ability develops, they also acquire the concept of sharing and turn taking. In addition, when children receive recognition and encouragement from their teachers, it helps them to develop self confidence and set personal goals <>.

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Elementary schools provide children with safe environments to grow in, as well as equipping them with motivation and skills that enable them to handle individual circumstances. Moreover, by children being in school, they are in a better position of being able to explore new ideas, as well as allowing them the chance of spending more time with their peers who help in developing their personality and individual skills. Furthermore, children who successfully grow during their elementary education become socially and emotionally healthy. They become eager to pursue new tasks and challenges with the energy and firmness that children are known to possess. As a result, these children become more serious with their schoolwork and they keep progressing in their academic development. They not only advance in academics, but also socially since they learn to sympathize with others and in the process, they form genuine friendship relations with their peers (Harmon & Jones, 2003).

Elementary education promotes rapid development of fine and gross motor skills in children as they do numerous activities and plays. This includes singing of songs and saying of rhymes that provide children with a sense of direction and space. On the other hand, elementary education enables children to enhance their reading abilities and math skills. However, the quality of the education they get depends on the school chosen; therefore parents and guardians have to look for quality which is an important factor. Furthermore, this education is a lifelong treasure since it determines the future that a person will have. It shapes a person into an effective member of the society because the knowledge obtained at this level is like a form of wealth <>.

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When children are in school, it gives mothers an opportunity to be away from their children thus, enabling the children to develop independence. Mothers on the other hand become stress-free as they entrust their children to schools and are not constantly worrying about their children’s welfare. Therefore, by being in school, mothers offer their children an opportunity to gain knowledge, which is the foundation of all other forms of learning that a child gets in life. It therefore enables children to form dreams and work towards achieving them and making them a reality (Harmon & Jones, 2003).

Elementary education is useful in ensuring that people are not illiterate, the quality of primary education they get determines the level of their intellectual capacity even when they are adults.The role and value of elementary education varies from one culture to another .nonetheless, it is essential since it is regarded as a venture that pays well. Having access to this basic knowledge helps people in making wise decisions regarding issues that they face later in life. For instance, a mother has to have information on ways of maintaining hygiene so as to prevent spread of diseases among her family members. In addition, people are also able to select effective officials to present in their governments (Cohen & Malin, 2010).

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A recent study indicated that the countries in Africa which had considerably invested in elementary education years ago are now deriving economic development from this investment. Moreover, this education has resulted in social and economic development in Western Europe since it made elementary education to be compulsory. Nations should aim at giving priority to elementary education since it supports development in other sectors, as well. A population that is well educated is essential in enabling countries to grab market opportunities, do exportation of goods and services, as well as attracting of foreign investment. Furthermore, when a population is educated it becomes innovative and gets access to free market due to the competitive enterprises that become established in the state <>.

Elementary education is essential since children are the hope of the future and the vital resource that a nation can have. Therefore, they have to be educated so as create a nation that is focused by having citizens who are able to participate in nation building. Many nations focus on investing in other sectors whereas the elementary education is given minimal attention. This is especially common in developing countries. Consequently, the impact becomes adverse when a nation comprises of a population whose greater percentage is illiterate. Illiteracy is the backbone of many errors that people make due to lack of information. Consequently, a lot of suffering occurs when for instance, people do not know their rights due to ignorance and lack of education. They end up suffering in abusive situations like poor working conditions and relationships. There is also the spread of disease like the HIV and Aids due to high levels of illiteracy. All these can be avoided if people get at least the basic education that will enable to read and get informed (Long, 2000).       

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Elementary education that is poor leads to the creation of negative effects on the learners. For instance, elementary education determines the growth and development of various aspects of a child in regard to the society. Therefore, poor elementary education forms the foundation in which children develop bad habits and behaviors, poor habits of studying, as well as poor academic excellence. Therefore,  Having poor quality of primary education or the absence of it leads to high levels of illiteracy such that people who work in factories, ministries, farms and hospitals are not efficient due to lack of the appropriate skills and knowledge. Consequently, elementary education is the most crucial step that children take in their educational career since it is helpful during children’s formative development. It shapes them into learners, thinkers and social beings. Elementary schools give children opportunities to release their surplus energies through activities and play, create avenues for creativity development and gives outlets for emotions. These institutions also enable children to meet peers and adults who assist them in verbalizing and cultivating the ideas and imaginations that go through their developing minds <>.

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Elementary education forms the basis through which the material that children learn paves way for high school and college material. Usually, the skills, attitudes and knowledge that children gain in elementary schools provide a foundation for success in the future. The majority of student remain unexposed to higher learning , as well careers because they grow in environments where majority of people lack professional careers or college degree. Therefore, the adults who handle children in elementary schools serve as the first exposures of people who have attended college and have a career, hence, offer children with advice in education and career options. Furthermore, some of the elementary schools have counselor who serve as managers in handling cases. They are trained to assist children in three major domains: academic excellence, social/personal development and career selection (Cohen & Malin, 2010).


Elementary education is very beneficial not only to children, but also the nation at large. It is the foundation of advanced learning. It shapes the lives of people even into adulthood by promoting wise decision making. Children who obtain this education develop many skills such as sharing, turn taking, communication, as well as math skills. They also rapidly develop socially and emotionally as compared to those who never got this basic education. In addition, when a population is educated, the nation does not suffer many losses due to innovativeness of its people who are able to bring about economic development both at the grass root levels and nationally.



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