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Higher Learning

Higher learning is the undertaking of further education after the A levels to sharpen ones skills on a specialized profession. Notably, higher learning is significant for every student who has left the A levels since they get a chance to explore and understand the profession that they want to pursue. Higher learning usually falls under different levels of study depending on how the students performed in their high school examinations. The two common categories of higher learning are colleges where students pursue diploma courses and the universities where they undertake degree courses. Normally, in the universities students pursue courses such as engineering, medicine and law while in colleges most students study entrepreneurship and other arts related courses. However, there is a debate whether the college diplomas are relevant or not to the students who undertake the studies.

This paper criticizes the researchers stand on the importance of the college education and also takes a stand on the argument.

The Critique and Synthesis of the Researchers Argument about Higher Education

According to the researchers, college education is vital to both the society and the students who undertake the studies. The researchers come out with different arguments to support their researches on the higher education topic.


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Firstly, they argue that the students who have not passed well should not be forced to re-sit the papers so that they may get better grades to study complex courses like engineering. This is a vital assertion since people were created with different capabilities and bare different passions (Chan). Notably, most parents only embrace the complex degree courses that are offered at the university and have low opinion about the college courses. In the current world, business is vital in each field and so long as a person understands their field well, they will excel.

Additionally, the researchers state that after high school most students prefer not to undertake diploma but instead venture into other things since they do not value the certificate. The researchers go ahead to explain why the diploma is crucial in the life of the students who have completed their high school studies and did not qualify to join the high graded universities. This is true since by joining the colleges, the students not only acquire the certificates but also gain the knowledge to run business in the outside world (Mead). Regarding that, attending the college education is important since you not only going to get the certificates but also business tricks and other knowledgeable stuffs that a person who stopped learning after high school does not have.

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The Personal Stand on the Higher Education Issue

In my opinion, higher education is essential for the students who have left high school. There are several issues that lead to this stand and they are as discussed below.

Firstly, the college high education is vital since not every student qualifies to undertake the complex degree courses at the universities. Normally after the high school education, the students get different grades and these grades are the ones that determine whether they will have to join colleges or the universities. However, not every student manages to get the high scores that are required so that one joins the university. This is where the issue of colleges comes in and the students who lack chances in the university manage to join the colleges to study other courses. Regarding that, everyone’s acquires a specific skill that helps them to earn income in the future without minding the profession that they decide to undertake. Further, the students have to understand that the college education is not only meant to get the certificate but also earns an individual extra skill for use in life. The research done by Mark Schneider indicates that college students have a chance to earn 80% more than those who stopped from high school.

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Secondly, it is fundamental to embrace the college education so that the students can manage to explore the other careers too that are available (Schneider). Notably, most parents admire the professions that require the students to undertake complex courses like medicine and engineering. This limits the growth of the other sectors like entrepreneurship as each parent want their children to pursue this courses. However, by embracing the college courses, the students get a chance to choose new courses and explore them after gaining the knowledge. This is recommendable even in the economy of different countries as all the sectors are exploited to the maximum.

In conclusion, the college higher learning is vital to the society just the way the university degrees are essential.  Notably, the researchers state that after high school most students prefer not to undertake diploma but instead venture into other things since they do not value the certificate. This students need to be taught that the college studies are essentially since a high school leaver cannot be compared to a person who has gone through the college studies. In my opinion, higher education is essential for the students who have just left high school. This is crucial since not every student qualifies to undertake the complex degree courses at the universities. Normally after the high school education, the students get different grades and these grades are the ones that determine whether they will have to join colleges or the universities. However, not every student manages to get the high scores that are required so that one joins the university.



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