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The Effectiveness of Schools

An education system is appreciated in terms of its effectiveness in achieving its educational goals and objectiveness. However, effective systems rely on funding to function optimally. The effectiveness of public schools is measured on different levels.  An established public school may have several programs running simultaneously (Thattai, 2001). The success of each program is merited on its own. The overall success or failure of the schools programs is reflective on the performance of the school hence the school's effectiveness in achieving its mandate.

The effectiveness of a school can be attributed to the school's success rate in academic terms and progression rate of its graduates to institutions of higher learning. The determination of effectiveness can be premised on a school's ability to improve their student’s outcomes and results. These outcomes are, however, influenced by the schools ability to allocate its available resources to their realization. The funding allocated to public schools is hardly enough to cover the necessary requirements for these purposes. Therefore, the school’s ability to attract funding from other private sources is critical.


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Charter schools progression is related to its ability to provide an effective education. The effectiveness of the school is attributed to its success rate in delivering education to the students. This is determined by the school's approach to its methods and the direct involvement of parents. Charter schools are obligated to make better attempts to live up to the schools demands and expectations. Academic achievements in charter schools are characterized by blending the education provided to the student, assimilation to the student’s environment and direct involvement of the parents in student’s education.

School’s effectiveness relies on the input provided by the school administrators and teachers. However, their efforts would be fruitless when faced with funding problems. Adequate facilities and educational structures are critical in the effective delivery of education (Greene et al., 2010). The failure of a school to deliver effective education leads to increased dropout and transfer turnover. Charter schools failure is most likely to result in the withdrawal of the schools funding and eventual closure. Failure is never an option for charter schools; however, not all charter schools are effective in their education delivery methods.

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Authorizing Function

School authority has a fundamental function of the education system.  The state is the significant authority in schools. Its mandate is to provide and facilitate the smooth running of curricula in public schools. The state as the authorizing function in public schools facilitates the allocation of funding to schools under its jurisdiction. The enforcement of stipulated rules and regulations for the operations, execution and implementation of school policies is primary. The management and recruitment of staff in schools is important while evaluating and determining the performance of the schools is paramount. The public school authority monitors, creates and implements reward schemes and sanctions related to performance of schools.

However, the authorizing function for charter schools varies in respect to states and districts. Authorizer in this respect handles application for charter startups, provision of performance oversight, contracting with other school charter operators and determining the closure or renewal of a school's charter based on its performance trend (Fordham, 2005). The methodology of operations for the authorizer varies from authority to authority. However, some provide guidelines and caution to charter schools, while others facilitate assistance to schools in meeting their performance objectives and goals. Authorizing function plays a critical role in the success of schools.

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It is essential that the authorizing function of public or charter schools to be sufficiently funded to facilitate efficient functioning in executing their mandates. Educational standards are significantly depended on the authorizing function. The authorizer facilitates the availability of funds, implementation of policies, while executing their jurisdiction to ensure the realization of targeted goals and objectives. The most critical among these goals is the need for quality education and education systems.

The Federal Government’s Role

The success of educational systems is invaluable to the federal government. In its pursuit of development agendas, the federal government aspires to provide education to all its citizens irrespective of their background. The implementation of educational bills, acts and laws, are significant for an educated populace. Therefore, the federal government has the duty to provide, allocate and monitor the distribution of funds among the various schools. However, the disparity existing between public and charter school funding should be bridged. This will provide an equitable playing field for these institutions.

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The funds allocated to charter schools through the Elementary and Secondary Education Act is hardly enough to have a significant impact on charter school educational systems. As much as charter schools are accountable for their student’s performance, the federal government should provide assistance in the creation of facilities for charter schools and facilitates equitable funding per student. However, the federal government’s role has significantly expanded in the past years and will prove to be an essential tool in reenactment of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.  Provision of quality education can only be realized if and when the federal government ebbs away from its funding preferences, rules, laws and rhetoric that lack coherence in action and policy making.

Availability of funds and essential policies is significant for the development of quality education systems, which are relevant to the current world’s demands and standards. The financing of public and charter schools should bear in mind these aspects while considering the effects of lack or inadequate finances funding these schools. The debate on public and charter school funding may be one-sided given the forum in which it is raised. Opponents of charter schools may argue that charter schools are depleting the already scarce funds from public schools. On the other hand, proponents of charter school may argue that public schools have failed to provide equitable education to all; therefore, charter school funding is critical.

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It is evident that the enrollment trend has significantly increased. Despite this, the public school infrastructure and facilities have continued to degrade. This is the result of inadequate funds to cover all essential costs in maintenance and upgrading of existing systems. Simultaneously, capital funding budgets have significantly reduced, and resistance to property taxes has necessitated the sourcing of funding elsewhere to finance their facilities. Charter schools in most states are at the lower receiving end in comparison to public schools in the same category and area.  They receive little or no capital funding; therefore, they are forced to seeking financial support from private contributors, donations and credits.

These factors are critical in making an informed choice on the optimal school that meets the needs of the student. In public schools choice is restricted by timeliness and quality of information on the school's performance trends available to parents. Charter schools are in this respect defined as schools of choice. Therefore, they aspire to deliver education efficiently, while improving the quality through enhanced opportunities for students and completion amongst schools. The reliance on district provided information cannot adequately assist a student or a parent in making a choice of school. The information available to the general public from public schools is incomplete; therefore, cannot be relied on while making school choices.

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Public and private school funding debate should not be allowed to overshadow the fundamental purpose, in which they are established. School funding should not be discriminatory; however, the federal government should establish and implement policies that govern public and charter school funding (Crampton & Thompson, 2003). This will enable funds to be available where and when needed. The provision of data to the public should be comprehensive and detailed to allow parents to make informed choices when selecting schools for their children. Management information systems are essential in the delivery of qualitative education that complies with current market demands. Therefore, funds should be allocated purposely to implement the technological aspect of educational systems in schools.



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