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Primary Education as an Aspect of Education

Primary education is one of the basic aspects of education in general. It comes after as the pre-school or nursery education and comes before the secondary education. This kind of education is usually carried out in the schools of elementary which normally incorporate the early five grades and at times it includes the kindergarten.

It is therefore obligatory for children to have primary education, although it to my opinion that a parent should also be permitted to provide education as well. The transition to high school is arbitrary in some way although it occurs at an approximate age of 12 years. While I have observed that other education systems have separated middle schools from transition to the final stage of education that takes at an age of 14.

I have noted that primary education is meant to attain basic literacy level and numeracy amongst all the children as well as the establishment of the foundation in mathematics, science, geography, social science and history.

The elementary education is provided in schools where children stays steadily preceding classes their completion hence move to high school. Pupils are placed classes and one teacher is assigned primarily responsible for their welfare and education for that particular year. This teacher may receive some assistance from teachers with varying levels of specialization in other subjects like music. This is the system that involves similar teachers teaches similar group of students for the period of two years. For instance a fourth grade class might have one teacher who teaches these students for the whole year then the same teacher will teach the similar group in the fifth grade the following year hence teaching the similar class for the second year.


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However, implementation of malt-age programs which would enable students from various grades to share the classrooms and teachers; for example from kindergarten to grade two students. For example children may be having the main class and have to move to another teacher’s classroom to study one subject. For instance history, while the history teacher’s main class will move to the other teacher’s class room for another subject, such as mathematics. This mould will be called the two-teacher, two-class mould or a rotation that is similar to junior high school team’s concept. Another way I would propose is to have pupils have a set of class room teachers in the first half of the academic year and a different set in the second half of the academic year.

In conclusion, I would recommend that primary education stakeholders should carry out the system in a manner that ensures the youngsters are not just equipped with the content knowledge but also with the necessary skills and values so that they can be able to thrive in a globalized and first changing future. They should also be able to build on their present strengths of their present systems and look forward to uplift primary education to a new level.



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