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ADHD continues to be a chronic condition affecting the school-aged children. This has given me the need to conduct a research and give my appropriate findings about this pathetic, yet easily diagnosable condition that might go a long way towards helping the societies vulnerable to effects of the disorder. I concur that ADHD is a genetically acquired disorder that results from the impairment of neurotransmitters. The condition affects the judgment of the victim. I often compare it to part time insanity, because the victim’s course of actions is slightly not normal or as expected. Personal study on the victims of ADHD shows that they lack impatience and often interrupt in speeches of their peers and give answers to questions before comprehending.

Some of the important finding I have made about this disorder is that it affects even the bright school aged children. According to my research, such children require time-to-time writing down of the things he or she is supposed to do in order to make the child stay to tasks and create the awareness of his or her behavior. According to my findings, visual aids and timely schedules are essential in keeping at bay the social destructors. ADHD in a child’s life does not mean incapacitation to participate in co-curricular activities. My study shows that affected children are active in sports, make friends and are often jovial.


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One surprising thing I have learned from an ADHD victim is the nature in which he deals with large volumes of projects, not to mention the passion for working on hands on projects and getting to learn more in this field. When dealing with large volumes of work, my client breaks them into small manageable tasks for easy completion. I often find this fascinating; since most children with this disorder are always get destruction from external stimuli. Despite this potential feature, a child with this disorder still makes careless mistakes and often find it difficult to stay to task I often associate this behavior to inability to manage his or her impulse.

I also find it funny that a child with this disorder, but under good care from the parents shows positive response. He or she does things in the upright manner, although the judgmental level, having been incapacitated, will still tell you that he is hypersensitive. A child on ADHD medication will show positive signs of recovery from the impairment, although it takes the conceptualization of both the parents and the teachers who form the basis of environment under which the child grows. An ADHD victim according to my research will always struggle with little self-confidence even with medication, and has to be motivated. On the overall, I find those on constant medication showing a positive move towards sanity.

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I am also amazed at how ADHD victims relate with their fellow peers wearing the same shoes. I find those with the disorder motivated by those struggling with the disability. They often find ways to deal with the disability and often try not to be let down by the condition. To me, they take this as their daily life, positively, and are willing to but unable to recover. This will depend on the care and medication under which the child grows.

In my investigation, I observed the life of Ben, a child struggling with the effects of ADHD. I find Ben as a child who has not only accepted the condition but fancies friends who are struggling from this condition. Ben is 15 years of age and like playing games. He is a tenth grade athlete whose disorder emanated at childhood. He likes mathematics as a subject and apart from destruction caused by the disorder; he keeps the passion of doing better. For him, medication helps reduce the effects. My research on the life of this high school boy shows that he likes making friends. Just like other ADHD victims, it pulls Ben off task by the slightest destruction, and requires consistent reminders on what he is supposed to do. To me he struggles with self-discipline and self-confidence so he has to have a constant reminder. He also often makes careless mistakes when focused on a simple task.

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Ben’s parents on the other hand confess to me that their boy stays on task more effectively when on medication. In an interview with them, they retorted that having visual aids and schedules are beneficial to his condition, which I believe nullify the effects of the condition.

My interview with the victim’s friends showed that he is positive about the situation. They claim he makes friends often and is jovial. His friends amaze me that he is playful and finds it easy working under a team.

On the other hand, Ben’s teachers tell me that the boy works with ease when made to write down daily activities. According to my research, this acts as a reminder of what he is supposed to do because I believe that when one writes it, he or she critically thinks it, and when he thinks it, he does it.

The possible resources for diagnosis of ADHD according to my study is more personal than professional, I believe that knowledge of the symptoms of this disorder goes a long way towards diagnosis. In situations where the child shows mild symptoms, in which case, the child has the disorder but symptoms do not openly show off, I recommend professional diagnosis. In addition, the genetic factor behind its infection puts me to task not to recommend prevention.



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