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Imperative Value to Teach

Honesty is a crucial and fundamental value in academic disciplines. Simply expressed, honesty means the state of being truthful and sincere with ourselves and others. It involves being careful about others in such a way that one cannot deceive or mislead others for our benefit. It also signifies being responsible of our mistakes even if it will demand that we admit openly.

Honesty is greatly valued by academic disciplines. It is the eventual target of all educational analysis i.e. the principle supposition underlying all avowal of belief. The endeavors of science are to search for precise and true insight about nature and when they report their findings, they are often presumed to do that honestly. The most destructive scientific report is that they cheated in giving their discoveries. To deceive or lie intentionally and one get caught at it always lead to an end of that career. The truth about nature and life lies uncompromisingly upon honesty.

In academics, the aspect of passing knowledge into students lies upon foundations of honesty. Students always value and acknowledge academic concepts due to the trust that they have on their teachers. If they detect an instance where the teacher’s statement wasn’t true, they may develop negativity towards everything concerning that teacher and it may lead to high degree of mistrust. Honesty is a fundamental value of critical thinking as it involves striving to get the actual idea behind a certain concept.

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Honesty propels the principles of knowledge, information and learning. Obtaining untrue information or beliefs is not education; fake information is simply misinformation; knowledge does not comprise of mistaken beliefs (Damon, Failing Liberty, 101). Honesty is just being outright about a particular principle. The critical issue about honesty when in the light of education is that the one who is obtaining knowledge is not in a position to prove on some issues at the moment, hence the degree of honesty is only presumed. Nevertheless, it is not common to be mildly honest; one is either honest or dishonest. There is a great disparity between being honest and being mistaken.

Honesty is important in everyone’s personal life as it helps a person to mend ones behavior and character. It is quite critical that we are commonly insincere with ourselves. Many people have a tendency of excusing them selves as far as our individual behaviors are concerned as we always want to regard ourselves in the best radiance possible. When we chose to be honest with ourselves, we allow for change from unacceptable behaviors to attain good values since no one can change or improve without first acknowledging his/her shortcomings.

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An honest person also commands respect from other people. The society is literally opposed to cheating and all untruthfulness.

Being honest helps a person to acquire respect from other people, a value that gives us meaning and an acceptable personality among them. Through respect, a person gains access and acceptance where one gets help from others or gets an opportunity to influence them in a positive way. In academics, honest students always have an opportunity and an upper hand to get the best from teachers.

The aspect of honesty also helps a person to be effective in his/her endeavors. This is because people appreciate and acknowledge what is true. Honesty provides everyone with precise information even in difficult times, a factor that gives grounds for which appropriate decisions can be taken. In such a case, honesty ensures that all involved parties are treated with respect. Nevertheless there are occasions when modifications need to be done to frame the information to suit some particular delicate personalities like children in cases of information that is too harsh or too sensitive for them to handle. However, value being told the truth in most cases even when it is agonizing.

Honesty is a major aspect in developing self-understanding. A person cannot have self-awareness without being honest at personal level. For one to accurately and fairly develop self-assessment, he/she needs to admit mistakes, thus providing a forum to take responsibility in addressing and correcting them. One can only learn and grow through being honest and true at a personal level as it is hard to fix a mistake without admitting it (William). One cannot readily believe and embrace the reality of errors or mistake unless he/she has a belief in the principle of truth. The element of being in error cannot arise unless there was a counterpart concept of being right. Courage enables one to be honest at a personal level since we may be always reluctant in admitting to ourselves, the things we do not appreciate about ourselves. Similarly, intellectual growth and achievement is enhanced through honest and active assessment of oneself. Having personal evaluation of a person’s beliefs turns him/her into an active thinker and learner, and hence the process of learning is facilitated.


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