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Effective Parenting

Raising children is one of the toughest but also one of the fulfilling jobs, but one which most parents feel ill prepared to tackle. The job of raising children is challenging and therefore will need wide range of responsibilities. This paper will discuss about effective parenting and what it entails while giving examples for the same.

Effective Parenting

Alvy defines effective parenting as all that entails in carrying out responsibilities of relating and raising children in such a way that they are prepared to realize their full potential as human beings. It is in order for parents to realize that it is the style of raising children that will increase their chances of being capable persons. An example is how to guide a child’s emotional development that encompasses helping the child to feel capable and worthy, guide the child’s social development like helping them learn how to cope with other people or even helping them in their educational development like helping them how to do well in school (Alvy). 


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Effective parenting is thus seen as the “productive parenting style.” This style of parenting is defined by the parents who are able to convey great parental warmth and acceptance in how they relate and talk to their children. The parents in this case are not only sensitive to their children’s needs but also seek to enjoy the company of their children regularly while providing positive reinforcements. An example is going out with your kids say on a weekend and spread the parental warmth during the outing. But these parents should also make age-appropriate demands on their children. An example for this can be expecting a 10 year old kid not to have bad temper if they slid on a floor can be considered an age-appropriate expectation. This shows that parents should always be involved in the lives of their children (Alvy). 

Harvey has been concerned that ineffective parenting is a major area of concern in some parts of America. She is worried that many parents think that by ensuring that children have food to eat, place to sleep and clothing are being parented accordingly. She however cautions that this is just meeting the basic needs and parents should parent their children as highlighted above or else they are subject at the mercy of life and other predators. An example is when a parent tells his/her kid “don’t smoke” while the parent is doing it in full view of the child (Harvey).

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We have seen that it is no mean task to raise kids. Effective parenting is not just ensuring that kids have all the basic needs, it involves more things like guiding the kid to grow in a way that they are prepared to realize their full potential as human beings. This will be a guide for the child to develop emotionally, education and even in religiously. 



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