Stonehenge is a prehistorically monument located in United Kingdom. Evidently, it is defined as one of the most renowned national icon in both England and its outskirts associated to symbolize power, endurance, and mystery. Today, the stone has disintegrated and what is been seen now is a repaired monument. Stonehenge comprises of earth works surrounding round setting of big standing stones. Complexity of its centre is as a result of dense Neolithic and Bronze Age containing hundreds of burial mound. The image portrayed by the construction of Stonehenge has been reproduced in innumerable places, its plan has been analyzed, and the reason behind its construction has been the foundation of endless assumption.
Unfortunately, this assumption will most likely go on forever since there are no written reports from the earlier days when Stonehenge was been constructed. The discussion surrounding Stonehenge is just a big blank that can be filled in with any observer provider he is able to justify his assumptions (Herbert, 2001). Presented with lack of information, different people have found it necessary to filled it in with different ideas therefore, terming the construction of Stonehenge to have an established home to some of individual fondest fantasies. It is observed that when a fantasy ends, there is a certain beginning of facts implementation related to these fantasies.
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In the last century, Stonehenge has been a subject to various archeological and scientific in several researches and inquiries. The modern description of the construction of Stonehenge is primarily based on excavations that took place since 1919 and especially on the year 1950. Archaeologists believe the construction of the current Stonehenge was carried out in three different stages. These stages have been labeled as Stonehenge one, Stonehenge two and Stonehenge three. It is very evident that there was a large scale construction surrounding the monument which is believed to extend the background time frame to about 6500 years. Chronological understanding found described the various phases of activity is not clearly understood due to disturbance of the natural chalk by naturalistic and burrowing by animals, poor feature displayed by the construction and lack of accuracy exhibited on early excavation reports which constituted scientifically unverified dates (Herbert, 2001).
This stone has distinguishing characteristics that makes it a unique monument within Britain. It consists of two distinctive areas of chalk land found in the southern part of Britain. This chalk land it is within the complexity defined in Neolithic and Bronze Age traditional, funerary monuments and associated sites were built. According to Herbert (2001), each area surrounding the monument contains a central stone circular in shape. In addition of it been considered as a national monument, it attracts tourist attention due to its ability to stand out in a grassy field that is normally at a highly atmospheric. Different stones were placed at different times at the site. Heel stone was the first stone to be placed at the construction site. It was elected outside the one and only entrance to the site.
Two hundred years later, eighty blocks of bluestone were erected on the heel stone leading to the formation of two concentric circles. After the erection of bluestones, the structure was brought down and work began on a presumed final phase of the location. The Stonehenge adapted a distinctive look due to the alignment bluestones which were elected in a circular manner and through the installation of gigantic stones. Some of these enormous stones weigh as much as twenty six tons and therefore creating a mystery on how such gigantic stones could have been transported from a quarry in the northern part of Wiltshire by an allegedly primitive individuals. Even with the serenity surrounding the construction of this stone, there is fear that soon the monument faces danger of been extinct due to changes of atmospheric pressure been experienced in current times.
It is evident that this place has generated so much conjecture and wild theories. The Stonehenge has been excavated, x-rayed, calculated, and widely surveyed yet, despite all that has been learned from these findings about its age and construction, its intention is still not clear and archeologists term it as one of the greatest mysteries of the world. Due to the mystery surrounding the construction of the Stonehenge, there have been various researches based on the purpose of constructing this monument. For instance, many researchers have argued, that Stonehenge was a site whereby religious rites were carried out.
There are numerous good reasons behind this postulation, but unfortunately it only takes one feature of the theory that cannot be confirmed to dismantle the whole train of thought that the construction was supposed to be for religious purposes. Vestiges of pig bones found on the construction site put emphasis on the theory of it being religious site, because there was no skull of the pig found among the bones. This implies that the animal was already beheaded and it was ready to be cooked when it was brought to the site. Early beheading of the pig was normally carried out for the sake of clergymen and their gods' purification.
In summary, despite of lack of information linking to the purpose of Stonehenge construction, the stone has form been basis in the study of archeology and also as a tourist attraction. Numerous assumptions implicated to this construction continues to sparkle discussions therefore engaging individuals into trying to justify one own assumption. It is essential to note that based on Stonehenge every assumption is correct if and only if these assumptions are largely justified.
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