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Oracle Business Report


Oracle is an American multimedia corporation that deals with software production and operations. They do provide an open and integrated software and hardware systems to over three hundred and seventy customers across the globe. This is with a focus of over 145 countries that actively use their products. The company has been on the go since the seventies, with much growth being seen in their business areas. The wider market is also able to enjoy diverse products from Oracle, Inc.

The company is well known for its open architectural and multiple controlled system option that gives customers unmatched benefits.

The orientation of the company is such that it is made up of sectors. The broader sectors include, managing executives, who are professionals holding the top most office positions, and they major in coming up with strategic decisions which influences business growth. The other key department according to Oracle is that of Investor relations. This entirely works to see to it that the required standards are met by the company to attract investors. They also work top to see to it that potential investors are put into the mix. The other sector is the Board of Directors, who formulates policies on behalf of the owners of the company. The board is composed of the professionals', as well as, the owners of the business. They too act in good faith for the organization, in case there is a matter of concern which they will be called for a sitting (Vidimir 33).


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The other key area that is included here is the corporate citizenship. Oracle has a business policy of creating new products and coming up with events such as seminars, conferences as well as other forums in which the subject of corporate citizenship is addressed. In addition, cooperate citizens' analyst relations as part of the key areas. This was included so as to increase harmony in many analyses that are done by the company. Oracle being hardware and software Production Company, then a lot is expected in terms of analysis so as to come up with newer products that can be sustained in the market.

Major Product and Services

The major product and services that are provided by Oracles are computer application based. The products first, may be categorized to mega product and services.  One such service is the Oracle business suites .This is a suite that comprises of integrated global business applications. The services application includes the following features. These features are tailored to ensure that the product suite the specific requirements of the consumers, as well as, allowing multiple solutions to be arrived using this software.

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Oracle business suites contain the most complete integrated business intelligence portfolio. This means that the suite can be applied in coming up with specialized research data and information that can be used to promote progress in the application of the suite. Intelligence is particularly with regards to collection of data to ensure that risks are considered as well as maximization of output is actualized. It should be integrated so as to increase harmony and efficiency in its use.

The suite should also be most adaptable to global business platform. Oracle is a big multimedia company that extends to more than 145 countries. Therefore its suite should be able to consider this. The global world has business solutions that should be addressed, the design of such suites should address this by being flexile to adapt to the global concerns (Foster 24).

The suite also captures the customer focus and application strategy. All products and services produced have some link to customers demand. Businesses that deal with long term assets, such as purchase of electronic and its devices always to have a focus on customers need. If the strategy included the customer's aspect in it, then it will boost sales volume which translates to revenue over time (Foster 24).

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Oracle business suite is applicable in a number of factors that includes the asset eye cycle management. This means that the suite is able to give value to how assets are managed. Assets are valued much by any organization. For instance, Oracle has come up with this suite that can help other companies to practice effective management of assets.

The suites also address the issue of customer relationship management. A company cannot do well if the customer satisfaction levels are not addressed. This is why Oracle came up with a suite that can include this aspect in it so that customers demand and customers' satisfaction are well addressed in the suite.

The suite also, includes the enterprise resource planning (ERP), which is a broad aspect that involves the matching of the planning function of management, with respect to the resources of that company. Planning relates to either positive or negative outcomes and therefore this aspect of ERP is essentially needed for effective planning.

Procurement may also be captured with the view to ensure that the procedures, and /or procedure of transfer of resources within and without the organization are under check. Oracle has come up with this suite that too addresses this concern, so as to minimize the losses through misappropriations, theft, and negligence and so on (Amstrong 35). The suite tries to put down checks and balances on any transactions that involve the company.

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Product lifecycle management is also captured, so as to facilitate proper management practices towards products of a certain company. In addition to these, the produced suite also addressed the Supply chain management issues. This is another broad area that involves logistics, transportation management, and price management and so on.

The other products that are provided by Oracle include:

(a)The Databases

They include the

1)        Oracle fusion middleware which was the first one to be produced  by Oracle

2)      The Oracle Enterprise Manager that deals specifically with controls.

3)      The Oracle secures Enterprise that deals with search programs.

4)      The Oracle bee hive collaboration software that deals with dealings of groupings

5)      Finally, is the production of Oracle CN Suitr, that contain messaging, groupware and other applications

Brief history of each organization and its major product

The industry has many other sisters in the industry. For instance, Dell also manufactures the software's and certain kinds of hardware's. They have lasted in the market for quite some time. This can be compared with Oracle than began its operation in 1977.

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In this year, Oracle began designing with software production and operations. They do provide an open and integrated software and hardware systems to over three hundred and seventy customers across the globe. This is with a focus of over 145 countries that actively use their products. The company has been on the go since the seventies with much growth being seen in their business areas. The wider market is also able to enjoy diverse products from Oracle, Inc (Foster 24).

Brief statement of each organization's major products and or service

In this regard, I would narrow down to Oracle's main competitor in this industry. They gave sufficient competition to Oracle, and this made Oracle to come up with winning statements that guided their marketing function,

In 2008: "information company"

In 2009: "Can't break it, can't break in"

In 2010: "software/hardware complete"

1In 2011" "Hardware software engineering to work together"

Other products that the organization produces

The other products that the company produces includes the hardware products may include:

-Sun hardware range.



There are also other products that are give inn form of service. Oracle in addition, to what was mentioned; the following services are provided by Oracle(Amstrong 35):

(a) Siebel CRM

This software was created by Oracles so as to deal with issues that may arise in managing the customer case studies. It is centered on promoting the relations between the user company and its customers

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(b)Customer case study

This involves giving guidelines on how to study the mind and actions of consumers. The software may be used to find reliable data in the house.

Oracles Competition Strategy

Oracle Corporation has had consistently profits over the year. Oracle's faces huge competition with available. In Oracle's bid to expand its market, it came up with strategies to counter the competitors. IBM is its major competitor. The company must measure its market strengths and foretell the future of the meeting.

The company has upgraded new technology and innovation. This is shown in the following five ways,

The thought leadership

This involves getting a leader who can get things done by putting the mind at task. It entails the use of great insight and wisdom to handle several matters as pertaining to leadership. Oracle has invested in absorbing good brains that can foster innovation and technology. These two are the corner stone of Oracles marketing strategy (Amstrong 35).


After Oracle did a marketing research on their market place. Their findings revealed that they do well in areas that they have invested much of their products. Most companies would seek to get key services from neighboring stores so as to cut on transport. 

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Key technology Acquisition

It is commonly said, if you cannot accept change than the change will change you. This is applicable to the application of marketing strategies to a consumer market.

User Experience

In the general electronic markets, the use of software experience may promote the increase in customer base.  Experience of the user will do much marketing than any other thing. Customers would want to believe what they or others have gone through. Therefore Oracle's investment in under experience is paying to the business.

Innovation and show case.

Oracle's approach to this includes coming up with tailored products that are unique. Most customers of software's would like to enjoy the benefits of uniqueness of a product in the market. Innovation plays a big role in its emphasizing the usefulness of the practice.

In conclusion, I would say, the orientation of the company is such that it is made up of sectors. The broader sectors include, managing executives, who are professionals that hold the top most office and they major in coming up with strategic decisions which influences business growth. The other key department according to Oracle is that of Investor relations, this entirely works to see to it that the required standards are met by the company to attract investors. They also work top see to it that potential investors are put into the mix. The other sector is the Board of Directors, who formulates policies on behalf of the owners of the company. The board is composed of the professionals as well as the owners of the business. They too act in good faith for the organization in case there is a matter of concern or urgency, then; they are called for a sitting (Knox 45).

Other area is the corporate citizenship. Oracle has a business policy of creation of products and coming up with events such as seminars, conferences as well as other forums in which the subject of corporate citizenship is addressed. In addition to these we too have the analyst relations as part of the key areas. This was included so as to increase harmony in the analysis that is done by the company. Oracle being hardware and software Production Company, then a lot is expected in terms of analysis so as to come up with newer products that can be sustained in the market (Knox 45).



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