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International Business


The Coca-Cola Company which is the largest world beverage company operates in more than 200 countries with its product line including over 2800 of diverse items. The strategic management issues of the Coca-Cola Company shows that its mission statement targets to create the consumer products, services as well as communications. It also signifies the company's involvement in customer service, bottling system strategies, the associated processes and tools with the aim of creating a competitive advantage in order to deliver the most superior value to the Consumers as the superior beverage experience. Consider consumers as their opportunity to provide profits as they use their finished drinks.

Bottlers as the Coca-cola's outlet opportunities for increasing profits in volumes and as the trademark enhancement as well as positive economic value added. Finally,  consider suppliers as their opportunity to enable the company make rational profits as the coca-cola company create the real value-added within an environment enabled with system-wide team work, very flexible business systems and their continuous improvement. The study examines how coca-cola company operates in Kenya, Australia and across the world as an international company.

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Product strategy of coca-cola company

The main responsibility of the company is to establish concentrates, syrups as well as beverage bases, which are later sold to the bottling companies that form international beverage distribution systems. Further to the product development, Coca-Cola Company is involved in product marketing and its mission statement is basically to refresh the world, create both value and making a difference in order to inspire the optimistic moments. Based on the external environment and the socio-cultural factors, the coca-cola company is highly recognized as the world's great brand. Product variation as well as adaptation is the key principles that have contributed to the continuous global marketing of coca-cola company. As a result of the 200 countries area of operation or the company's extension, coca-cola has been found in an immense need to diversify all its products and come up with appropriate marketing plans that can meet the increased socio-cultural interests of all its customers, consumers or venders across the globe.

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The coca-cola company's trademark is largely recognized worldwide irrespective of the language that it is published branded on the bottles. However, continuous tailoring of the marketing plans as well as the product development has to be ensured in order to uphold the utmost respect of every consumer's distinctive values, cultures and beliefs. For instance, Social factors have been so strategically considered within the company's marketing plan. In addition, the Coca-Cola Company has achieved a successful hand in development of its products in order to please the health-conscious consumer of the 21st century with brands such as Coca-Cola Zero as their best selling brand for 25 years and more, the sports drinks, and bottled water. Therefore, Coca-Cola Company must continuously become adaptive to its outside environmental threats associated with healthy lifestyle movement by involving in product development as well as marketing of the healthy options that could be accessible.

Distribution strategy in coca-cola company

Coca-cola Company relies so heavily on its distribution channels that help in getting its products to the relevant consumers, through working in collaboration with both the bottling companies and various retailers. Although coca-cola company does not exercise its full control over the whole distribution channel, it ensures that strong governing principles for its entire suppliers adhere to the coca-cola's guidelines.

For example, development of cross-cultural relationships has been pointed out as the key contributor to emergence of coca-cola company as the leading beverage company in whole world. Furthermore, enhanced business ethics play a great role operating business activities of coca-cola company. The company's promotional mix comprise of product, place, promotion and price. Coke's product, in all the 2800 of them, largely varies from the soft drinks to not only just water, but also depending on its product, the company's price can as well vary accordingly.

Pricing Strategy of coca-cola company

Meeting the competition pricing is the main principle of coca-cola products pricing set based on the same level with its competitors. A number of the coca-cola products are determined by this method of pricing, for instance, a 250ml pack of coca-cola is priced at only Rs.12 and not Rs.10.00. This kind of pricing strategy successfully convinces most consumers to consider the coca-cola products as being affordable.

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A description of the global business environment

Coca-cola Company unveiled the new global advertisement strategy with a focus on changing its image as well as increasing the company's profits. The new slogan used was "Welcome to the new Coke side of life." This replaced the three-year-old one referred to as "Make it real" campaign that failed to achieve the intended objectives despite billion and billions of dollars used for its advertisement. Today, both in Kenya and Australia and the entire world Coke is revisiting its roots through some new campaigns. A strong focus is given to iconic shape of previously-fashioned Coke bottle. In addition, different versions of such slogans that reflect the cultural tastes as well as lifestyles are expected in future Coke productions and they will be only fine-tuned to the specific markets (Fuchs, 2007).

Impact of culture on business's activities around the world Identification of the key management issues coca-cola company faces

The Coca-Cola Company (Coca-Cola) being the leading manufacturer, marketer and the distributor of Non- alcoholic beverage mixtures and syrups, in the whole world, company owns or licenses over 400 brands, with  the inclusive of diet and light beverages, juice, juice drinks, waters, teas, coffees, energy and sports drinks. Additionally, the Coca-Cola Company operates in over 200 countries. This has made it become the key enterprise as the world's largest producer, distributor and the marketer of Coca- Cola products. Therefore, the company is faced with various challenges on how to position its products and remain on the competitive edge. The Coca-Cola Company remains with a challenge of maintaining its position as the only non-alcoholic bottled beverages producer.

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The main production responsibility of the coca-cola company is to establish concentrates, syrups as well as beverage bases, which are later sold to the bottling companies that form international beverage distribution systems. Coca-cola Company relies so much on its distribution channels that help in getting its products to the relevant consumers, through working in collaboration with both the bottling companies and various retailers. Most of the coca-cola products are determined by meeting the competition pricing as the main method of pricing.


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