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Denver International Airport

The Baggage Handling System of Denver International Airport had been experiencing problems win handling the packaging effectively. In the process of packing the systems jammed causing delay to passengers and business men intending to transport their goods. The delay made the business to be in jeopardy, since many people did not want to be delayed, and this made many customers to quite the services. The delay and failure of the system had a lot of side effect which include increase in cost, time wastage, and loss of promising customers. This made a project of introducing new system to be done to make sure that all baggage are packed with ease and reduce side effects. There were number of people concerned about the project and they decide to improve the service. They made the project which coasted about $ 51 million. They had outsourced services from other companies to ensure that the process became a success.

The shareholders

The first stakeholder was Senator brown, a U.S. states Senator. The problem faced in the airport was addressed to him through a letter elaborating the problem faced and the need for provision of new system. Brown was to approve the suggestion of the implementation to the project. When the project was proposed, a meeting was held with his committee to discuss on the raised issues. The first letter was taken to his office on September 22, 1994 addressing the problems faced and the measures to be taken.


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Other stakeholders included Allen Li, who was an associate director. He was involved in the management of the project. He made sure that all what was proposed was implemented. Randall B. William was the project manager. He made sure that the project was done professionally. He made out the suggestions and planned for the implementation of all programs. Randall assisted in making a systematic plan of the project. He made sure that the suggested objectives were implementation at the due time. He headed the project and gave out direction on what to be done and the time to handle the project. He also gave out direction of the qualification of service providers and other professionals who worked during the implementation of the project. Francis P. Mulvey was the assistant director. He assisted in the implementation and planning for the project. He brought views on what to be done and the facilities to use in the installation of the system. Lowell E. Hegg was the assistant director in charge of Denver regional office he took care of the implementation of the project and made sure that the project was implemented smoothly. He was given mandate of supervising and making sure the workers perform their duties as per the set rules and regulations. Those were the main stakeholders who were in charge of the project. Other shareholders included Ted B. Braid, John Furutani, Stephanie k. Gupta, Mtadhav S. Panwar, Keith A. Rhodes, Francis W. Sutherland and Arthur D. Trapp.

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Outsourcing services

Probably, many projects in organizations are done with the help of outsourcing services. In this project many services were outsourced to assist in the implementation of the project. Hicking Corporation was involved in risk analysis. They analyzed the risks to occur on the reopening of the airport on February 28, 1995. A Germany consultant company called Logplan was involved in planning on how to fix the new system. The company had shown their skills in handling the same case in Frankfurt. There are other companies which were consulted to help in implementation of the project and they made it successfully.

The airport was made many years but the problem existed. This shows that those who planned for implementation of baggage handling in the airport were not experienced. The outsourcing assists in developing thing which an organization is unable to handle. There same services which the airport employees were unable to provide.

The outsourcing service providers made sure that the project was delivered without delay. The outsourcing service providers are given target and the payment is done according to the target mate. This made the service providers to work hard in order to meet the deadlines. This is contrary to services provided by the employees of an organization. They are paid monthly in respect of their payroll. When they provide services they do not work hard, because they are entitled to monthly salary. On signing the contract the contracts agree to receive their full payment upon demonstration the work change of the system applied. The contractors received a down payment before the start and collected the remaining amount after completing the project. This forced them to apply full efforts in providing the services. When the workers are asked to provide for services they do not provide their services effectively, because they can not demand for expensive materials. They work with mini-more cost to safe the organization from getting loss in order to receive their salaries. The outsourcing service providers did not ask for other charges like overtime dues, medical cover and other services as the works could have demanded. This reduced the cost of the project.         

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Project management mistakes

The project experienced some mistakes which made it to delay and take time to implement the requirement. Firstly, there was lack of time for planning accompanied with managers and directors insistence for a comprehensive plan. This made the work plan to be done without proper planning in order to represent to Senator Brown a report without delay. This caused the work to overlap. Secondly, failure to connect dots for project managers was another mistake done. The work plan was not set according to the airport’s vision and other business contacted in the airport. Finally, an improper change management strategy was not addressed in the project. In order to improve the systems workers should work hard and change their routine, but this was not address in the project. This meant that the workers could not work with the new system effectively though the systems were improved.

Methods used to encounter barriers

The plan had a lot of barriers which hindered the implementation of the project. The project implementers had to apply their own strategies in order to make the project succeed. There was a set budget done by finance department. Working with proper budget assisted in making sure the project did not stop due to lack of finance. The planning of project was made after consulting different agencies and airport and examination of the results. The information gathered from the airports which had done the same project assisted in avoiding the problems they encountered.

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The project worked but had many problems which could have been avoided. Given the project I could have designed the project with few outsourced service contractor. The contractors should be assigned under the management of airport. This could have reduced the cost and make sure that the services given are of high quality. I could have planned the project with a minimum duration of two month to ensure that the airport services resumes back with proper working system in order to make more profit.


Project management should respect the vision, mission, and strategies of organizations’ business. The project was set to improve the services of the airport and minimize loss. The system were improved in away top ensure speed work.



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