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“Dibs in Search of”

As for my point of view, I think that the book was a success in analyzing and evaluating essentiality of clinical form of therapy: play therapy. The book has successfully postulated the ways through which the techniques for cognitive form of psychology as well as guiding philosophy can be used to rectify a case of mental disorder to a positive side. According to the Axline (1986), it is fair to assume that the notion of reflective listening is the core facet emphasized in the effort to bring about moments of joy.

Furthermore, the author uses “Dibs” experiences to explore the possibility of challenges in the process of healing and growth. It is safe to assume that the author uses these experiences to argue on the fundamental emotional demands needed to successfully conduct the situation facing Dibs. The story is full of grief from both the parents and teachers since both are affected by Dib’s unusual behaviors.

The unfolding of events in the book gives a clear perception of the matter the author describes as “the search for self”. The aforesaid assumption is made possible through the transformation of the wretched little human being who emerges as a brilliant and able person: a leader in that matter. Consequently, it is fair to assume that the book provides series of suspense events which leave the reader to figure out whether Dibs was born with a defect in the brain.


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Potential psychologists are advised to read this book since it provides a fundamental platform upon which they can easily understand that different psychological behaviors can never be resolved through mere diagnostic repetitions or rather imposition of simple models of response.

Another important lesson that can be established through the reading of this piece of work is the fact that fair and efficient forms of healing of a mentally disturbed child can bring forth development and stability of the mental hygiene of the child’s guardians.

This piece of work is a turnaround for the old belief that a thriving treatment of a child’s guardian is definitely the fairest form of therapy for a mentally-wretched child in that matter.

Three Interesting Events in the Story:

There were times whereby Dibs depicted as having superior intelligence, but ceased from the activities whenever he thought that he was being watched. At other times he is depicted as having symptoms attributed to a mentally retarded person which he will perform to the extreme. However, in most of the time he spends lying on the floor and quietly listening to everything happening around him. Also, it is noted that he is showcased as posessing much temperament whenever he was forced to do things he did not want to (Axline, 1986).

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Subsequently, he took so much time in the shelves looking at books by their author’s name. His teacher, Hedda, perceived that he would always reach out for a book and would never fail to accept one whenever offered. He had a peculiar way of examining books since he mostly skimmed over the pages of the book “as though he could read” (Axline, 1986).

The most interesting part of the story or rather the climax is when the psychologist manages to unwind Dib’s world of despair and fantasy. After taking repetitive observations with Dibs, the psychologist perceives the hidden identity within Dibs’ “mentally incapacitations”. The psychologist manages to identify positive traits of intelligence and leadership skills. This is an exciting moment for both the teachers and parents and it is fair to assume that the psychologist was successful in her efforts to rectify the situation at hand.



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