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The Knowledge of the Book of Jasher

There are numerous specific points provided in the Book of Jasher but are not mentioned in the Holy Scripture. The points match in detail truth from the modern revelation. For instance, the details concerning the events that occurred before the great flood leave readers to wonder if the author of the Book of Jasher understood the details. Thus, anyone who claims that the Book of Jasher is a mere collection of the Jewish folklore should explain the origin of the true parts of the folklore. Were the legends preserved from Noah’s writings, or is the Book of Jasher a product of revelation? It seems as if there are many choices unless the writers and translators of the Book of Jasher were very excellent in imaginations and guess work, and the Lord decided that those imaginations and guess work to look like the authentic story by providing a revelation that they are correct. There are many debates and conspiracies regarding the nature of the authenticity of the Book of Jasher. Most people have not seen the book, nor read it. However, there are many discussions that the book may be fiction, due to the possibility it is probably someone’s imaginations (John, 1994). In the Bible, the Book of Jasher is referenced twice. Therefore, it can be categories under the group of lost books. The description of the Book of Jasher is described and discussed in the following books. However, some people believed that the Book of Jasher is of divine inspiration. Wayne (1995) described the Book of Jasher as the authentic annals of the early Hebrews, by making a good case for believing that the book is the one referenced in the Bible. The contradictions in the Book of Jasher and the Bible include the misconceptions that the angels or other people were giving directions in the place of God. The title of the book is Jasher since all transactions are accounted for according to the order of priority and succession.


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Many Biblical scholars concluded that the Book of Jasher is authentic. Samuel wrote that the Book of Jasher is, with the exception of some doubt, a respected document of antiquity, not withstanding some additions made in it in the modern world. During the period of the Book of Jasher translating into English, the translator was convinced that the book was authentic. However, the book was later sold to American Jewish newspaper-owner, and philanthropist Noah. The Book of Jasher appeared in the New York in the preceding year but with some alterations on the title page, that contained Noah’s name and not Samuel’s name. The main reason is that there were differences in the contents of the book. Noah had a low opinion regarding the authenticity than Samuel (The Book of Jasher (1887)).

The translation was accepted as accurate by many religious scholars. The publication ignited a lot of criticism by most scholars that opposed the claims that were made on behalf of the book (Trimm, n.d). During the 18th century, there were no fraudulent acts that were evident in the Book of Jasher. Religious scholars stated that the book was shown to have been the work of a Jackob Ilive, who was the original founder and the printer of the first version in London. The founder was operating in business during the 17th century, he became an influential public teacher of infidelity, and he used to hire carpenters’ hall to deliver his address.

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Ilive’s Book of Jasher, that came into appearance in 1751 was declared fiction and fraudulent in a monthly review, in December of the same year. After several scrutiny of the Book of Jasher, it was concluded that the editions of the book were severely forged. Later, the forgeries in the book were expressed in the Cyclopedia of Biblical language, as well as, the Dublin Christian Examiner. Claims of forgery of the Book of Jasher continued again in 1834, in the British Critic.

Based on the second manuscript of the Book of Jasher, there are very interesting admissions. Jim Collins stated that an introductory part was submitted to him for reprint lacked evidence of the text between antiquity and the 1965 source is the primary argument for the suggestion that the text was actually fiction. It means that there is no evident that the manuscript existed before 1625. According to the argument, the conclusion of the assessment was that the manuscript was a humanist Jewish fiction. The manuscript was translated by Samuel in the 1800’s. He was a perfect translator of Hebrew, and he translated the original manuscript. The same Samuel translated the manuscript into English, referred to as the pseudo-biblical Book of Jasher. This was an ancient manuscript that convinced the translator of its authenticity. Samuel later confirmed that the latter translations were inaccurate; hence, lacked authenticity.

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In 1840, a Jewish scholar obtained an English translation and produced another version regarded as extracanonical Book of Jasher. The Mormons were very fascinated with the publication of the Book of Jasher, and kept it in continuous circulation and print. The initial printing was done by Parry and Co of Utah. Later in 1887, the LDS Church’s Deseret Book Store did a modern printing and generally kept it in stock. According to most religious scholars, none of the three versions of the Book of Jasher are ancient writings and are regarded as merely modern hoaxes.

There are many questions regarding the reality and accuracy of the Book of Jasher. However, the main issue is that the book contains anachronism. It refers to the things mentioned which at the same time of the supposed writing never existed. According to Pratt (2002), there seems to be no doubt that in anybody’s mind, which the Book of Jasher comprised of many Hebrew traditions. Pratt claimed that the book is definitely authentic in the sense of being a modern fiction, just like the 1751 book that had a similar name.

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Most sources quoted state that the Book of Jasher was mostly written in Spain about the 12th century A.D. Book was thought to have been composed by an author compiling Midrash that dated back during the time of Christ and led to the fabrication of a few of his own. The real problem is that the book contradicted the Bible. In addition, the Bible and the Book of Jasher cannot both be from God. Therefore, the Book of Jasher is fiction and not real. According to book of Titus, it is stated in the Bible that God cannot lie, or contradict Himself. In addition, the proof of the truth in the Bible is abundant. Contrary to this, The Book of Jasher lacks evidence of its origin hence may be imaginative claims by the writers.



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