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The Old Testamen

There are many examples that indicate the contradictions between the Book of Jasher and the Old Testament. Thus, the provided examples are enough to label the 1829 Book of Jasher as fact or fiction. There is no person who can claim the authenticity of the Book of Jasher, whether it is a fact or a fiction. For instance, the critical Bible Encyclopedia provides some history that denounces the Book of Jasher. It states that during 1751, a forged Book of Jasher, which is prefixed many readings, and translated into English from Hebrew was intended to impose upon the ignorant men, to sap the credit of the Mosaic books and to blacken the character of Moses. According to the reviewer of the Bible Encyclopedia, the translators and writers of the fraudulent versions appear to have constructed the Book of Jasher from the apocryphal writings of the Rabbis, in part from the various scraps derived from the Pentateuch, and the rest parts being fiction, since they form part of the crazy imaginations of the author (Trimm, 2009).


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The other forgery to the Book of Jasher is the prefix of the narrative that profess to be from the pen of Alcuin, which provides an account of discovering the original manuscript of the Hebrew book of Jasher, in Persia, during a pilgrimage that he made from Bristol towards the holy land, and the translation made of the same in English (Wayne, 1995). According to the modern English, this is a very clumsy forgery evident with the chapters in the original Book of Jasper of the 13th century. Other revisions were made in the numerical vesicular divisions of the 16th century, exposed during the time of its appearance. The revisions were made in 1827. Thus, the new version of the Book of Jasher was reprinted in 1829 (John, 1994). The forgeries made in the second edition were issued in 1833 by the editor, which contained pretentious testimonies to the value of the work. In 1950, there was another issue of the Book of Jasher that was claimed to be the real Book of Jasher, which is referenced in the Holy Scripture. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica of 1911, there is no leniency to describe the translations of the Book of Jasher to be forgery. The Encyclopedia Britannica states that the work known as the Book of Jasher translated by Alcuin in 1829, had no link to the Hebrew original Book of Jasher. Furthermore, Smiths Bible Dictionary also claims that the entry concerning the Book of Jasher contains some English forgery of 1751. Thus, with all the provided evidences from the Book of Jasher itself, based on the history of origin, the scrutiny of the authenticity of the Book of Jasher is necessary.

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Most scholars argue that the only moment that the Book of Jasher appears to get things accordingly is when it manages to make a follow up of the biblical events. However, like most works of people, men are characterized with the problem of leaving the truth alone; hence, leading to the introduction of errors as well as forgeries. The Book of Jasher cannot be placed in an equal footing of the Holy Bible since the Holy Scripture was written by individuals inspired by God. However, most scholars argue that such books existed during the biblical era, and probably will continue to be available throughout the kingdom of Judea. The problem is that, there is a contradiction to the further reference to the Book of Jasher, after Joshua’s death and after the time of David. Currently, the book that is available in English by the same title does not depict the original manuscript (Edgar, 1959). It is claimed that it is the 18th century forgery that the writers claim to be an original translation, referred to as the Book of Jasher, by an 18th century English scholar. Furthermore, the most recent English translation of the book titled The Book of Jashar, by science fiction and fantasy, written by Benjamin Rosenbaum, is regarded as a complete work of fiction! Finally, we are left to conclude that the Biblical Book of Jasher is truly a lost book. The other two publications of the book with a similar title are mere fiction of may be defined as Jewish moral treaties.

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As stated by early religious scholars, the early publications were original. However, the claims of the originality of the book have lost grounds; hence, the current versions may be considered as fictions because they offer different account of events. The versions that are currently appearing are the proof that there are forgeries and they are full of writers’ imagination. In addition, there have been claims that the forged parts of the book have been added over the years.



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