Anderson, S. 1995. A framework for assessing cost management system changes: The case of activity based costing implementation at General Motors, 1986-1993. Journal of Management Accounting Research (7): 1-51.
Anderson, S (1995) is purposeful book written to provide structured account of testing which is used to evaluate success sin the field off costing. The book targets the companies which adopt the basic for implementation of cost effective activity and provides opportunities based on implementation strategy and cost management system. It also focuses on latest research which is used as model for such experimentation. The basics of cost accounting are based on the cost pricing and cost product which is measured in the context of job or service in relation to customer. It is research oriented and case centered paper which serves as a successful model for cost accounting. The single case study is effective and measurable and responds well to evidence. It also established the most accurate methodology for cost management. The paper is valued ass it provides a clinical account, measurable framework and a hypothetical development which impacts behavioral and related factors.
The author has credentials and the research is relevant and current. The audience is well informed and the authority of the publisher is authentic. The information is targeted and accurate with logical progression and has bias towards the single company. The research is useful in the context of future implementation.
Atkinson, A. A., R. Balakrishnan, P. Booth, J. M. Cole, T. Groot, T. Malmi, H. Roberts, E. Uliana and A. Wu. 1997. New directions in management accounting research. Journal of Management Accounting Research (9): 79-108.
The paper by Atkinson et al. (1997) is a very descriptive and broad based paper which assesses the geographical and diverse factor in a philosophical and research based background. It addresses the debate which surrounds the wide ranging frontiers of cost management and accounting by identifying eh philosophical foundation which is based on diversity. The paper addresses the role of accounting in managing organizational change. It also addresses the interactivity between accounting and organizational change and the role of decision-making in supporting information. The paper reinforces facts with tables and is very conclusive. Various directions are evaluated in terms of research addressing the complex structure of experimentation, survey and field study. Investigations are based on confirmed methodology. The tactical decision-making strategy is explored based on inventory management, organization of work and incentive for compensation.
The author has credentials and the research is relevant and current. The audience is well informed and the authority of the publisher is authentic. The information is targeted and accurate with logical progression and no bias.
Brierley, J. A 2008. Toward an understanding of the sophistication of product costing systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research 20 (Special Issue): 61-87.
The objective of this paper is aimed to examine if there is a sophisticated methodology which impacts the product costing system within the definition which govern the satisfaction level of the consumer. The paper is very systematically organized to collect data and survey being conducted using specific questionnaire. The various criteria's for sorting is evaluated using surveys and field study which assesses the sophistication of costing , product cost and overhead cost to measure the pricing outcome which is controlled by numerous cost drivers confirming accuracy. The paper is very comprehensively presented with wide ranging implications, good assessment of limitations and evaluation of opportunities for future research.
The author has credentials and the research is relevant and current. The audience is well informed and the authority of the publisher is authentic. The information is targeted and accurate with logical progression and no bias.
Foster, G. and S. M. Young. 1997. Frontiers of management accounting research. Journal of Management Accounting Research (9): 63-77.
This is a very comprehensive paper, which uses appropriate methodology to evaluate with distinction the purpose of the author which is based on opinions and systematic research methodology. Management Accounting research (MAR) has been recognized with phenomenal acceptance over the last decade. The purposeful use of the writer to integrate interviews of individuals as well within group framework is highly appreciated. The paper has abundant relevance in current scenario with primary focus on accounting methodology which is people oriented in determining its competencies.
The author has credentials and the research is relevant and current. The audience is well informed and the authority of the publisher is authentic. The information is targeted and accurate with logical progression and no bias.
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