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Pseudomonas Aeruginosa


The report seeks to describe the causes, risks, treatments, and the prevention methods that be used in reducing the prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The Pseudomonial infections are usually complex and might be life-threatening. It is usually caused by the strains of the bacteria in the environment. The significant Pseudomina infections occur to people in the hospitals, more so surgeries that leads to severe medical issues and death. The practical laboratory tests are useful in the identification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the clinical specimens.  For the lab tests, the specimens that will be used include blood, water, and pus samples. The pathological and medical review of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is appropriate to understand the high risks factors and the measures to prevent the disease.

General Description:

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative infection that occurs mainly to the patients with weak defense mechanism. It is usually a common pathogen that is isolated to the patients hospitalized for more than 1 week because they have a weak immune system. It also causes nosocomial body infections. The Pseudomonial infections are usually complex and might be life-threatening. It is usually caused by the strains of the bacteria in the environment.


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The signs and symptoms of the Pseudomonialinfections on the ears includes ear pain, itching in the ear, discharge from the ears, swilling, difficulty hearing, and ear pain. The significant Pseudomina infections occur to people in the hospitals, more so surgeries that leads to severe medical issues and death (Gellatly & Hancock, 2013). Nevertheless, healthy people can be diagnosed with mild cases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, more so children. Therefore, Pseudomonas aeruginosa does not occur to people high strong immune systems, more so healthy people.


It is important to study and research the condition of Pseudomonas aeruginosa because it is common and its impacts a severe after diagnosis. Patients admitted in the hospitals have the higher chance of being diagnosed with this infection. The hospital administrators should learn how to prevent the bacteria causing the infections. It is because the bacteria could be spread through cleaning methods, medical equipment and other medical tools. The bacteria can also be spread through food.  Chatterjee et al. (2016) note that the spreading of the illness to patients with weak immunity can suffer from severe due to surgery, treatment, and illness.

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Stewart et al. (2015) noted that burn victims with puncture wounds might be diagnosed with severe Pseudomonas infections of bones, blood, and urinary tract among others. The bacteria could also be introduced to the human body through catheters. Based on the various ways of infection, it is critical to understand the implications of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the society. For instance, swimming pools and individuals wearing contact lenses are also exposed to the severe eye infections. It shows that Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic bacterium that can infect persons at different locations and moments. In rare occasions, it leads to community-acquired pneumonias. A research study Marvig Sommer, Molin and Johansen (2013) found out that P. aeruginosa has a high potential of causing increased resistance against the antibiotics because its genome has the high level of resistance compared to other resistance genes.

Taylor Yeung and Hancock (2014) determined that Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a contagious condition. However, it usually depends with the person’s immune system. It is critical for people to understand how Pseudomonas aeruginosa would strengthen the immune processes and systems. The persons diagnosed with Pseudomonas aeruginosa must be monitored continuously and treatment well. The renal functions of patients are useful in monitoring the healing process of the patients in the hospitals. The patients and doctors should engage in proper sanitation techniques and methods including the cleaning of washing hands to limit the further contagious nature of the disease.

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General Symptoms:

The symptoms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa usually depends with the nature and type of infection. The incubation period of the infections of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ranges from 1 to 3 days. Within this period, the Pseudomonial infections would manifest between 1 to 3 days. The bacterium might contaminate the wounds, urinary tracts, and skin among others. When the infection is in the wound, the infected person can observe green-blue pus in the wound. If the infection is in the swimmer’s ear, they have an ear ache (Marvig et al., 2015). In blood infection, it is determined as one of the severe Pseudomonial infections. The symptoms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa includes high fever, fatigue, chills, and increased muscle and joint pains. The bacterium could also lead to low blood pressure commonly referred to as hemodynamic shocks that leads to increased failure of human body organs includes kidneys and liver.

In the lungs infection, the symptoms noted include cough, difficulty in breathing, chills, and fever. These symptoms can be used to determine the Pseudomonial infection in the lungs.Pseudomonial skin infections that usually affect the follicles can be noted by the following symptoms including the skin redness, abscess development in the human skins and the draining of the wounds.The symptoms of the Pseudomonialinfections on the ears includes ear pain, itching in the ear, discharge from the ears, swilling, difficulty hearing, and ear pain. Eye infections by Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium can be determined through various symptoms such as inflammation, impaired vision, pain, and pus (Chatterjee et al., 2016). The symptoms of Pseudomonas infectionswill not be different in adult males, females, infants, and among the children.

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A pathogen of comprised persons by P. aeruginosa that affects burns, wounds, and blood infections among others. Infections happen in various regions including Pneumonia that leads to diffuse bronchopneumonia. The high risks persons including cystic fibrosis patients. In septic shock infections, it includes purple black lesions in the skins. The high risk persons include in the neutropenic patients. Gastrointestinal infections were characterized by Necrotising enterocolitis. The high risks groups comprises of premature infants and cancer patients. The skin infections are characterized by increased hemorrhage and necrosis. 

The persons at high risks for skin infections include burn victims and persons with wound infections. P. aeruginosa has been determined as the common causing agent of the infections of burn injuries. The bacteria could also be introduced to the human body through catheters. Based on the various ways of infection, it is critical to understand the implications of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the society. For instance, swimming pools and individuals wearing contact lenses are also exposed to the severe eye infections.

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Laboratory Diagnosis:

In performing proper laboratory diagnosis, preliminary screening tests will be done well through the collection of materials. The elements were useful in understanding laboratory diagnosis through biochemical aspects and strains with doubtful strains. The practical laboratory tests are useful in the identification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the clinical specimens.  For the lab tests, the specimens that will be used include blood, water, and pus samples. These specimens will be useful in promoting the laboratory tests and regulations.

However, time and expenses are necessary in determining the nature of nutrients in the broth tube with the specimens.  The review of the specimen’s will include the combination of the various substances such as nutrients and blood samples to understand the prevalence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.  Therefore, the laboratory diagnoses are useful in understanding the outcomes of laboratory tests and outcomes on the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterium.

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The treatment of Pseudomonas infections involves the use of the antibiotics. For many years, Pseudomonas infections have being treated by the antibiotics. Nevertheless, most Pseudomonas infections have become difficult to handle. The bacteria have created the potential and ability to align and deal with antibiotics in the environment. Antibiotic resistance is a serious challenge. The increased rates of antibiotic resistance have made the treatment infections very challenging. It is because the Pseudomonas infections could lead resistance to diverse types of antibiotics.

Even in the course of treatment, the Pseudomonas infections could lead to increased resistance. It is critical for the doctors to choose an effective antibiotic. The doctors should first send specimen from the patients to a laboratory to test the effectiveness of the antibiotics in treating Pseudomonas infections. The laboratory will review the specimen by understanding whether the antibiotic works well. There are various forms of antibiotics and examples of treatment for Pseudomonas infections such as carbapenems, ticarcillin, ceftazidime, levofloxacin, gentamicin, aztreonam, and ureidopenicillins among others. The duration of treatment will depend on the types of Pseudomonas infections. As a result, laboratory testing is critical in treating the Pseudomonas infections.

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Pseudomonas infections can be prevented through the various measures and preventions.  When parents’ notes that infants in the hospitals have symptoms of infections, samples should be collected and send for proper testing. The samples of lung, blood or other secretions can be used in the testing process. The test outcomes and results are useful to the hospitals to understand the way of treating the infections.

The prevention of Pseudomonas infections is usually through improving hygiene. Hand hygiene is a critical way of preventing and limiting the Pseudomonas infections. People should wash their hands regularly before coming into contact with the infants.  Before applying the soap, the hands are expected to be wet. The soap should be rubbed properly into various regions to deliver suds. The hands should then be rinsed well in running water. The hands should be dried well using disposable paper towels offered. Alcohol hand rubs can also be used in washing the hands. Pseudomonas in the water can be eliminated through proper hand washing. Nurses should show the patients how to wash their hands well.

It is also important to clean the equipment in the hospitals to limit the potential infections. In the outside environment, people should avoid hot tubs and swimming pools with poor hygiene to eliminate infections. Nursing staffs should come up with proper actions to improve hygiene and apply treatment equipment well (Taylor, Yeung & Hancock, 2014) Thus, the maintaining of high level of hygiene is useful in preventing the potential pseudomonas infections.


In summary, Pseudomonas aeruginosa is significant condition that is related to the various infections. The Pseudomonial infections are usually complex and might be life-threatening. It is usually caused by the strains of the bacteria in the environment. The significant Pseudomina infections occur to people in the hospitals, more so surgeries that leads to severe medical issues and death. For example, the symptoms of the Pseudomonial infections on the ears includes ear pain, itching in the ear, discharge from the ears, swilling, difficulty hearing, and ear pain. The patients and doctors should engage in proper sanitation techniques and methods including the cleaning of washing hands to limit the further contagious nature of the disease. The practical laboratory tests are useful in the identification of the Pseudomonas aeruginosa from the clinical specimens. For the lab tests, the specimens that will be used include blood, water, and pus samples.



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