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Giant Panda

The giant panda, scientifically known as Ailuropoda melanoluleuca, is found in China. These pandas have black patches which are large across their body, around their eyes, and on ears. In this essay, I will focus on the feeding of Giant panda.


The external causation of the giant panda comprises of paws, teeth and fur: the fur is for warmth and camouflage, teeth for feeding, and paws are adapted for snow and ice walking. The internal causation of the giant panda comprises of heart, spleen, stomach, kidneys, lung, liver, and pancreases. This causation of panda is the same as that of other mammals except for the presence of a caecum in the small intestines that serves as the breakup of cellulose and other plant materials.


The giant pandas do not use a visual memory, but greatly relies on a spatial memory with the help of which they communicate via vocals and scent marking. They use spatial memory to feed. The communication comprises of tree crawling and urine spraying. Pandas do not hibernate evidenced by their temporary dens in hollow trees and in rock crevices.


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The giant panda belongs to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Chordate, Class Mammalia, Order Carnivora, Family Ursidae, Genus Ailuropoda and Species A. melanoleuca. There are two closely related species of the panda; the Ailuropoda melanoleuca melanoleuca found in Sichuanand Ailuropoda melanoleuca qinlingensis found in Qiling Mountains.


The giant pandas are classified as carnivorous, but they basically feed on herbs, mostly bamboos. At birth, the cubs are usually pink, cannot see, and they have no teeth. Cubs are raised by breast feeding for the first six months after which they start feeding on bamboos. If twins are born, the mother selects the stronger one and leaves the other one to die. This is because the mother cannot produce enough milk for the two. After about two years cubs are ready to live on their own in the wild.


The natural habitat of the giant panda is temperate forest with bamboos. This is considered to be the best surrounding for them because every now and then the animals feed on tubers, grass, and meat of birds and rodents.

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How to save the endangered species

The giant panda is endangered by habitat loss, low birthrate, and poaching. They are conserved by breeding them in captivity and enforcement of various tourism regulations. The public has been educated on the importance of the species with UNESCO inscribing Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries as a world heritage designation in 2006. Common people also need to inform others about this endangered species. Thus, we could influence poaching and save giant pandas.



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