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Animals Warmth

There some mammals like whales and others which stay in water but are not affected by cold. They have managed to stay in water despite the cold environment inside the water. While they stay in cold water, their adaptation features help them to keep their body warm. They have warmth saving adoption, and that is what enables them to survive while other mammals cannot stay alive in such environment. Evolution has occurred due to genetic variation from one generation to another, and this has made the old marine mammals reproduce animals which have adaptation features. They have blubber which assists them in adopting in water and any environment which is cold. Blubber is a layer of fat which is located under the skin and is thick and fatty. This layer helps to maintain warmth in the marine mammals.


Marine mammals have blubber, a thick fat layer which is located beneath the skin and assist in keeping the body warmth despite the surrounding temperature. The marine mammals include whales, seals, sea lion, and polar bears. There are some places where the temperature is 12 degree Celsius, but those animals stay alive and blubber assists them to keep the body warm. Whales go about 400 meters deep into the sea, and the temperature there is almost 12 degrees Celsius, but they maintain their normal body temperatures.


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The blubber helps the mammals which stay in those cold places to keep their body warm, but the other animals which are cold blooded do not have blubber. Those cold blooded animals do not have a need for blubber, because their body can adopt by changing the temperature of the surrounding environment. Those cold blooded animals include fish, shark, and crabs. Their body is made in such a way that their temperature depends on the surrounding environment. Their body temperature can go up to 12 degrees Celsius when they go to the deepest part of the sea. The blubber contains adipose tissues. The animal’s food which is digested to form adipose contains lipids. One characteristic of adipose which assists blubber to store heat is that it does not allow heat to transfer like other tissues of the body, and this helps to insulate heat.


An explanation of the temperature adaptation can be given after carrying out the experiment of warming and cooling of body figures using ice and water. The temperature of the water should be lowered. After the water is cold, one figure should be covered with a thick layer of shortening, while the other should be left without the cover. The time should be set. The result of the experiment shows that the covered figure stays longer without getting cold while the uncovered figure becomes cold quickly. The experiment shows that the covered figure stayed longer without getting cold because the blubber helps the marine mammals to keep warm in cold water.

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The animals have adaptation features which enable their body to remain warm despite the environmental temperature. The cold blooded animals do not have the blubber and they change body temperature just as the uncovered figure from the experiment.



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