Nowadays humanity suffers a lot from the deceases that were unknown to people who lived a century ago. One of the most prevalent deceases is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, commonly known as AIDS. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes it by means of destruction of the immune system and exposing it to the attacks of various fatal illnesses.
According to Mayer, et al. (2012), HIV is a deadly virus that cannot be treated by use of medicine. After the virus penetrates the circulatory system, it commences attacking the CD4 blood cells. The consequence is an inability of the human body to resist the most common infections due to the weakening of the host protective mechanisms. HIV does not have a direct impact on the immune system. It distributes via the blood stream and destructs the white blood cells. The body looses the most essential of its blood cells, while the new CD4 cells are not produced by the weakened immune system. Shortly, the entire host protective mechanism stops preventing HIV from its dissemination in the body. As the level of the CD4 cells drops significantly, the clinical signs of AIDS can be observed.
HIV can remain in the latent state for years and attack the T-cells when the body resistance is lowered. Long-term HIV activity causes destruction of the majority of the CD4 cells. The general state of the immune system allows vast invasion of other viruses in the body, which results into AIDS (Gompels, et al, 2012).
The data, discussed above, is based on a substantive qualitative research. The academic studies in this field are motivated by the need to unfold the uniqueness of the deadly HIV and the way it manages to penetrate the human cells and cause destruction of the host protection mechanism.
The peculiarity of HIV is its ability to destroy the T-cells once they were used for the virus’ reproduction within the specific human body. An experiment, introducing the virus on a living thing was held. A monkey was infected with HIV, and its health conditions were monitored to get a close-up of the virus activity. The impact of HIV on a living organism and following development of AIDS is easily noticeable. HIV depletes the energy from the organism to an extent when the survival becomes a primary goal in one’s life. Most of HIV-infected people need to stick to the strict diet and be extremely careful not to get sick. The slightest cold might be a threat to their life.
According to Jones & Roberts (2012), HIV/AIDS is torturing in all aspects. The effects of the virus make a person weak and depleted of body host protection system, which is the main barrier from the exterior factors.
Human physiology is important in everyday life of all people. It is not just some routine process. Physiology makes people think over the unfortunate occurrences in their lives and gives them a chance to look for other solutions out of the irresolvable situations. The study of physiology broadens the people’s horizon’s and allows them to get a clear idea of the life’s shortcomings and the possible ways of realizing the paths to some hidden issues and scary happenings. That is why physiology is an essential subject in the human life studies.
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