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Graphic Design Works

Graphic design is a creative design that is undertaken to convey a certain message to a target audience (Stephen). It also refers to a number of artistic disciplines that focus on visual presentation and communication. The word art deco is derived from Exposition Internationale Des Arts Decoratifs Industriels Et Modermnes that was held in Paris in 1925. It owed formative influences from some of the contemporary art styles of the early 20th century. Some of these influences include machine style forms of futurism and constructivism, geometric forms of Cubinism, and unifying approach of art Nouveau. However, it has no philosophical basis, purely decorative.

Thesis statement

The essay proposal is on academic research and evaluation of visual images whereby a graphic design image is provided for analyzing and classifying according to its visible characteristics. The method of classification entails prior research on the characteristics of various modes of graphic designs. The characteristics of the image will be identified and compared to the researched information. I will explore this image as an art deco graphic according to the following three visual aspects, as use of smooth lines and sweeping curves, use of streamlined forms and bright colors and the use of artificial materials especially glass (Jirousek). The focus will be objectively centered on how the image expresses the historical style, movement of design to which it belongs, and how does it conforms or depart from the outlined style.

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All images were developed in the 1930s, an era that was characterized by art deco design. The first two images are well designed by the use of smooth curves being culminated by bright colors (Brown). The bright colors promote the decorative purpose of the design in contrast to philosophical nature of the postmodern one. The third image representation uses glass to bring out the illumination nature expected in a hospital ward. Most of the machine images appear shiny. The last picture expresses images impressionism as the design represents of the internal features represents a hospital mood (Time Magazine, China). However, the images do not portray the use of furnishings as is characteristic of art deco design.

In conclusion, assessment of graphic designs through observation of images brings out the characteristics that distinguish different styles (Maenz).

Annotated Bibliography

Stephen E. Graphic design: A new history Publisher Yale University Press, 2007.

The book explores the history of graphic design from the late 19th century to the present day. It illuminates the dynamic relationship between manufacturing and design including the role of technology and commercial forces on the act of design history. The source provided the general knowledge on graphic design.

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Brown, J. "Miami Beach Art Deco". Miami Beach Magazine. 23rd march, 2009.

Miami Beach Art Deco is a district of art deco buildings that spans from 1930s. Art deco is characterized by extravagant colors, lavish decoration, and elaborative ornamentation. The first phase developed out of sources like from the verticality of Eliel Saarinen to different forms of Paris Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes of 1925. The area’s art deco decorates the beach and attracts the tourists. This helped in the identification of the characteristics unique to art deco.

Jirousek, C. "Art, Design and Visual Thinking, 1995.

The article stipulates that art deco is a decorative style that is an extension of other styles but also includes elements of art and craft forms. The term describes a design style that originates from World War 1 and extends to World War 2. The article discusses various applications of the design, for example, Art deco architecture that includes Rockefeller center and Chrysler center in New York. A comprehensive detail of the design is then extrapolated by describing the work of Frank Lloyd Wright. It provided the characteristics of art deco and its application.

Time Magazine, China. "Shanghai's Art Deco". On 22 January 2007.

Recording his city’s rich architectural heritage has always been a passion of the Shaighanese photographer, Deke Erh. He recommends that relentless development could threaten the architectural and cultural treasures that are represented by the rampant art deco designs. He terms the abandonment of the old designs like art deco and adoption of the modern designs that are inferior as disastrous. He has since published a book containing a thousand photographs.

Maenz P. Art deco: 2000. Retrieved from http://www.ocadu.ca/library.htm. OCAD Library.

Most of the photographs are published for the first time. They include lyrics of 1920 to 1940 hits and examples of typography. It describes the sources of the style, the peak of its success and the historical background in the early thirties.


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