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Ethics Case Study Analysis

Graphic designers face several ethical issues in course of their work. Normally, graphic designers are hired by different people and companies that are the source of their employment. These companies or individuals usually define the design to be done. They explain the needs of the design and how it should be done especially in terms of the prevailing theme of the overall design. They rarely consider the stand of a designer on the topic chosen (Mackie, 40). For instance, the designer may be hired by a politician to make a poster that tends to permit or encourage abortion. In such a case, the designer may be against abortion. However, he may be compelled by the situation and the nature of the work to design it as demanded to do so. However, one may decide to stand on his or her own morals and decline the offer.

Graphic designers and the issue of promoting abortion

During the course of work of the designer, several issues related to ethics may arise despite the type of work to be done. Ethical issues are normal events or subjects that raise questions about what is morally right or wrong (Miller, 164). A designer may not necessarily agree with the given company or individual about their points of view concerning what should be advertised. Therefore, this has always been the major area of concern for the designer as it does not give a room to decide what is wrong or right. It is important to keep in mind that the product of the designer is usually for the audience. It is meant to pass a message to the target audience.


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Abortion is a vice that is not generally accepted by most societies worldwide. Some people go ahead to consider it as an act of killing. Therefore, when a poster is created to promote abortion to suit the needs of one politician, it is likely to affect most members of the society negatively. This is where a graphic design should put his or her belief system on scale (Perle, 124). One should not only consider the offer but also the effects of such a poster on the larger members of the society.

Graphic designers have the right to decide what they should or should not produce. For instance, a designer may be hired to create posters that promote cigarette smoking for children, advocate for devils teachings, and create websites that are composed of pornographic sites among others (Mackie, 54). Such a designer has the absolute right to be guided by his or her own morals and make the right choice. If the designer feels that he or she does not agree with nature of products that should be promoted, he or she should not be compelled to undertake such a chore.

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It is crucial for a graphic designer to consider several factors before he or she undertakes a given activity. In our case of abortion, the designer should first consider the motive of the politician before making the ultimate decision. Virtually, a politician who wishes to create a poster that promotes abortion has an evil motive (Mackie, 65). However, he may be trying to sell his or her idea to the audience depending on the needs of the community. Sometimes, the target audience may be fond of seeing such a promotion to abortion. On the other hand, it is vital to consider effects of designing such a poster to the designer himself. However, this should only be the designer’s choice and not the influence from an external force (Perle, 124). A designer may decide to produce an advert or walk away depending on his or her conviction.



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