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The Violent Video Games

There are different issues that the modern world has continued to face despite the introduction of technology and technological devices among its societies. These issues or rather challenges vary from one to the other in different communities. However, one of the major challenges that the current society face is how to deal with the effect of technology that was introduced as a way of enhancing the lifestyle of the society. In line with this, there are different technological devices that have been introduced to enhance the entertainment part of the society. However, these technological devices have continually affected the society in a negative way thus failing to attain the intended purpose. Among these technological devices are violent video games that have been found to impart in their users a seed of aggressiveness or rather violent behavior.

There have been varying arguments in regard to the role that is played by violent video games on the personality of people who have continually used it as a form of entertainment. While there are those who have argued that violent video games are justified entertainment and have no effect on its users, there is an increasing concern in regard to the relationship between violent video games and the increasing rate of violence and other crude behaviors in the society. In reference to Harding (2009) of the CNN, research that was carried out both in Japan and the United States reported that children who spend their time playing video games, especially those that elicited violence were more aggressive than those who did not play these games. On the other hand, there have been arguments that violent video games do not have any long term effects on its users (O’Connor 2005). Therefore, whereas the critics of video games, who happens to be the majority reiterates that violent video games have negative effects, there are also proponents of video games who have continually asserted that video games have no long term effects on its users and especially the young people.


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It was found out that media that portrays negative themes in the society had an ability to steer off the behavior of people in the society in the wrong way, especially among children and young adults. According to Harding (2009), there are different ways under which the media can induce violent behavior among its users; two to be specific. First, children and young people have been found to imitate the actions they saw being portrayed in the media. This is worsened by the fact that some of the actors who were responsible for violence in these video games were portrayed as heroes. As a result of this, children and young people who in most cases do not have role models would took on these actors as their role models and began behaving in the same manner as they saw in the media or rather video games. In this line of thought, Coon (2005) asserts that children ho watched a particular program that portrayed a lot of violence that included fighting using Karate kicks were aggressive among their peers and would often kick and Karate-chop their peers (291).

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In addition, there is a perception that is developed among the young people that violence is the only way to solve problems (Coon 291). This is as a result of the fact that most violent video games relied on violence as a way of dealing with various problems in the society. For example, heroes in these video games often relied on their fighting knowledge and skills rather than employing dialogue as an amicable way of dealing with problems that arose among them. Therefore, children and young people too were found to imitate these modes of solving problems among their peers and it would not be surprising to find a young person attacking his peers with kicks to affirm that he was a man enough who could not wait to show forth his prowess in fighting. In this regard, there was a poor development of social skills that were necessary in restraining the behavior of children and young people and their perceived solutions to problems that arose among them.



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