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The Red Wheelbarrow

This is a very short poem, and many people may fail to see its significance at first sight. However, the very aspect, that drives people away at first is the same aspect that attracts them to read and find out what the peculiar poem is about. The poem, short as it is, has a theme, which develops from the beginning to the end. The poem is in free verse; and the author has used it to express the main theme in the poem, the wheelbarrow. It helps readers to move step by step towards the conclusion of the poem. On this journey, there are many things that come up in this simple and short poem.

The tone of the whole poem is set at the beginning. The poem includes just one sentence divided into 8 lines, so it is true to say that each of them is very important for perception of the idea. Poem’s form also contributes a lot to its meaning, because without it, the poem will be a single sentence just like any other sentence in any language (Roman 232). Frankly speaking, this form may confuse a lot of people, even poets, but finally, the illustration of the wheelbarrow appears as the real poem. This imagery can be applied in the world of art. An artist draws something, and that image represents a real object in reality. Such phenomenon happens in this poem, and the words that describe the wheelbarrow can be used to view a real wheelbarrow in real life. Therefore, this imagery is very effective, and it gives the opportunity to see the real wheelbarrow just by reading this poem (Roman 232).

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The image of the theme, the wheelbarrow, gives the reader another perspective of viewing the poem. The word red, lighting up the scene, gives the feeling of uncertainty. The monosyllabic words elongate the third line, separating the word wheel and the word barrow (Roman 232). Therefore, the image is broken down to its main parts, what makes the reader get a feeling of scrutinizing each piece of the poem. Moreover, the author, Williams, separates the sentence for more detailed presentation of the object; thus, the reader feels closer to the given image.

The poet continues to advance the theme of the poem by following a pattern, introduced at the beginning. The monosyllabic words continue to elongate the lines. In top of that, the author uses assonance. The word glazed represents another marvelous figure. Since the reader begins to percept the wheelbarrow closer after the first scene,. the appearance of rain changes the situation and gives a new and fresh look at the main object. Thus, the new, culminating image emerges, which the author, Williams, sought to create. The final painting of the wheelbarrow’s image is given; in the last lines; and the reader starts to see it through a new perspective. The poet adds another color, white, and contrasts it with the color red, which is introduced in the first lines of the poem (Roman 232). Thus, the theme is completed by the end of the poem. The color red is neutralized by the color white, and the poem ends with a peaceful imagery.


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