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Mere Christianity

C.S. Lewis through his book, Mere Christianity, Presents his ideas about the basic Christian philosophies that can be agreed on by most people. One of the topics he presents in his book is “The Rival Conceptions of God” chapter (Lewis, 34). His entire book which basically presents arguments on the existence of God as well as Christian morals is a perfect piece of work. Lewis who as a maestro in renaissance and medieval literature admitted that his credentials were not enough to tackle some of the topics as a professional would. However, as he admitted his background of an atheist turned Christian would greatly assist him to tackle his passion as a layman in the topic he wrote about. Lewis therefore gives his chapters the approach of a friendly conversation about various issues.

In his article “salvation” Langston Hughes recalls how when he was about thirteen years, he got saved from sin. Langston however states that he did not really get saved but had lied about it. He begins his story by describing how his aunt wanted him to conform to the faith of Christianity. He describes the moments that followed his getting saved as only adding to frustrations and disappointment latter in his life. The author describes how his aunt had nagged him for days and this together with his frustrations prompted him to give in and get saved. His frustrations were further fueled by his aunt’s insistence that he would receive Jesus and his life would never be the same again.

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What happened next only brought him frustrations because he never received Jesus. The author had in his mind thought of how “God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vain or for lying in the temple” (Hughes). This thought made Hughes to get saved in order to save himself from more trouble. The author’s last statement was that he did not believe there was a Jesus anymore because he did not come to him. The author only felt frustrated because he had lied that he received Jesus only to escape trouble. He describes how he cried that whole night and that his aunt told his uncle that he was crying because “the holy ghost had come into my life” (Hughes).

In “salvation” the author is much more to the point in delivering his message and critic of Christianity. The author through his experience demonstrates the crisis of faith. Since faith was precipitated in him when he was only young, he afterwards despised it after it failed to fulfill his expectations. Since he was cheated that once he got saved he would receive Christ, this made him to have unrealistic hopes which were dashed after the savior he was waiting upon failed to show up. His piece of writing which is non-fiction type of writing delivers a fiction piece which is delivered with such awe and passion. He provokes critical thinking among the Christian faithful who at a certain point in their lives may question their faith. Hughes from the start begins his article in a tone that depicts how he was scorned into accepting something he really didn’t believe.

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Hughes who was an eminent essayist is of an African American descent. He is also an author and poet whom during his time the resurgence of African American literature was at its peak. His piece of marvelous writing illustrates the toxicity in experimental faith which was imposed on him by his aunt’s pressure at the true cost of conviction. The theme and purpose of Hughes work seems to only produce an exceptional piece of writing but to also reaffirm the very values of religion and the dangers of imposing faith to an individual without their consent.


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