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Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest

The poem by Baillie Joan’s Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest is classical narrative that seeks to promote environmental theme its narration of the various forest scenery descriptions. In order for Baillie to successfully reach her reader she employs several figurative elements of speech and other critical stylistic devices in a bid to fulfill the potential achievement of his main thematic concern. In a continuous prose form Baille Joan’s Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest seeks to promote the environmental theme by describing the changes that have taken in this forest where the poet elementally grew up.

The environmental domain with regard to destruction of the forest is critically covered in the poem’s prose format as seen in several instances. As the poem begins, Baillie Joan seeks to establish a connection point with her reader by bidding farewell to the foregone goodness associated with the Fair Mead Lodge, Epping Forest.  This can be seen in:

Hail, Fair Mead! Hail, my forest glade!

Thou green isle, girt around with shade!

Woods, where of old with hound and horn

The Norman hunter woke the morn:

Where yet along the grassy lawn

At dim of eve, and grey of dawn, (Baillie 21)

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This fundamentally succeeds at giving the reader a picture image of the state of event of what used to be his beloved forest.

By establishing a narrative genre bordered on the environmental theme, Baillie recounts of previous encounters with this natural resource as she went about her normal activities. Consider where she says:

I trace the spots in grove and glade,

Where in wild woods my childhood stray’d,

When the full moon at magic hour

Shot thro’ the leaves a spangled show’r,

That show’d upon the dewy blade (Baillie 22)

Looking at the provisions of elements of versification in Baillie Joan’s Fair Mean Lodge, Epping forest  one immediately sees the manner in which she doesn’t make an attempt to fulfill basic establishment of syllable formats. The syllables patterns go on changing from one line to another as it simultaneously fulfills its prose provisions. For instance on can study the following four lines following each other:

And o’er it cast an added grace’         

And where wild nature spread the wood,

And o’er the darken’d solitude,

The beech, the oak, the horn-beam sprung, (Baillie 22)

Here we see no relationship being established when looking at the respective individual lines and if there exist some form of continuity with regard to form and context.                                                                                                                                    

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In Baillie Joan’s Fair Mean Lodge, Epping Forest, there is efficient use of various figures of speech in a bid to establish the various strategies that aim at building the theme towards its desire efficacy of reaching out to the reader and conveying the message in its actual context.  Among some of the critical elements entailing the provision of figures of speech include, metaphors, similes, metonym, synchedote, personification and litotes. First metaphor has been used to establish critical comparison between two unrelated objects with an aim of affirming the magnitude of message being conveyed. This is seen in, “Woods, where of old with hound and horn” (Baillie 21). Here she aims at describing the structural elements contained in the tree description.

Secondly, simile has been strategically used to bring compare various aspects in the poem especially regarding human actions in the forest. This can be seen in, “When Harold’s shaft like lighting flew” (Baillie 22). Here she elementally aims at describing the resultant human actions in the forest, which entail cutting down the trees which Baillie so much values as seen in ‘shaft.’

Thirdly, Baillie employs the use of metonyms as seen in several instances in the poem with an aim of emphasizing the main meaning found in the poem and its elements. The first instance is seen in “Hail, peaceful lodge! My summer-seat” (Baillie 21). Here she intends to signal the reader of the quite forest as seen in ‘peaceful lodge’, and dwelling place in ‘my summer seat.’ Metonym has also been used in, “The quiver of the Norman bore” (Baillie 22). Here ‘quiver’ elementally describes the sound characteristics as the wood cutting activity progresses in essence amid the existence of a tranquil environment.

Fourth, the utilization of the element of synecdoche can be illustrated in very instances in the poem, as Baillie strives at building a collective factor in the story with regard to changes occurring in the forest. This can be seen in:

There underneath its brows that rears  

The burden of a thousand years, (Baillie 22)

Beneath the arms whose branch of yore

This is elementally seen in the phrase ‘beneath the arms’ where the poet describes the tree roots in a sense to establish its existence over a long time.

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Fifth, personification has been used as a major figure of speech in the poem. Since the poem’s theme revolves around environmental concerns the need to use it extensively aims at giving life to the forest or describing its entities in a lively form that the reader can easily yield and associate with in any circumstances. Several instances can be seen as follows@

There underneath the brow that rears

The burden if a thousand years, (Baillie 22)

Th’ acacia, laurel, cypress, thine,

And bow’rs that breathe of eglantine

It was thy hand that rear’d my grove,

And lin’d with moss the seat I love (Baillie 23)

The significantly utilization of personification has been used to direct events of the poem in such a manner that the reader can associate with aspects of the forest that bring life and further support life in its basic existence.

Moreover, the element of rhyme has can be seen in many instances of the poem as Baillie intends to make it interesting and memorable. It is also aimed at making the sure that the words used produced the desired effect in the poem with regard to the environmental theme. This can be seen in the following caption from the poem as seen in the respective end lines:

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Woods, where of old with hound and horn

The Norman hunter woke the morn

Where yet along the grassy lawn

At dim of eve, and grey of dawn,

And thou, my lone and little lake

Where the stag loves his thirst to slake (Baillie 21)      

Thy touch hath clear’d th’ ungenial shade,

And gladden’d with new suns the glade (Baillie 23)

The poem has been to promote and cement a culture of continuity of previous traditions, by putting more focus on the continuity of the forest. Baillie therefore seeks to dissuade those promoting destructive measures that they will solely receive punitive measures as she makes reference to the deity. This can be seen in:

Tis that sole, that sacred spot.

Where innocence and woman dwell;

Tis in that heart, which wavering not

Believes what God has deigned to tell (Baillie 24)

Here Baillie seeks to strengthen the notion that the forest is a resource which deserves to be looked after similar to other human entities found in common nature. She therefore gives the forest a form of superiority over other natural resources found in common nature which humans rely upon for their needs.

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