Table of Contents
- Buy The Roles of the New Technology paper online
- Social implication of the new technology to the society
- Impact of the new technology to the society
- Mistakes based on the three examples
- Lesson based on the three examples
- Ethical roles played by the engineers in the three examples
- Conclusion
- Related Technology essays
The company is among the largest companies producing methane gases all over the world. Being the leading engineer in the company, there is an ongoing creation of a technology that will promote the efficiency and effectiveness in harvesting the methane gases. Additionally, the new technology should help in piping the gas to the different destinations inside the company. Moreover, the new technology should help to cater for the safety of transportation of the gas and the harvesting of the gas. Being aware of the disasters that are occurring due to technology, there is a need to indicate the impact of the new technology to the society. This includes the social implication and the roles of the new technology in society, the roles of engineers in ethical terms and viewing a couple of cases in relation to their mistakes and lessons to be learned.
This up to date technology will lead to effectiveness and efficiency in the company production and transportation of the gas within the company. The main roles of the new technology are; one to ensure that there is safety in the transportation and the production of the methane gas. In the production of the gas, the technology will foresee that there is no wastage. If such a situation is to occur, the machine will raise alarm to the technical engineers operating the machines. In addition, the machines will be able to detect where the wastage is occurring thus, making the work of the engineers easier. When it comes to the transportation of the gas within the company through the pipes, the machine will be able to detect any pilferage and raise alarm to the technical engineers. Moreover, it will help the engineers by indicating where there is a pilferage. This will prevent any exposures of the gas into the environment causing harm to society.
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Social implication of the new technology to the society
Obviously, the new technology is going to raise concern on the social implication to the society. Corporate social responsibility towards the society is one of the company's expectations. Therefore, a company should take in consideration of the society before introducing a new technology in the market. As a result, it raises a question as to whether technology is neutral. Neutral means that there are no implications or effects to the society. According to the new technology, it would be wrong to say that the technology is neutral. This is because it is going to affect the society in one way or another. The first implication is whether the new technology will affect the society in terms of health. The new technology is going to save the society from the health hazards associated with methane exposure. Additionally, the new technology has come to save the environment in the society thus, reducing global warming.
Impact of the new technology to the society
The technology has an immense impact to the society on the bases of health and conservation of the environment. This is because it will help in reducing the chances of getting a disaster in the society. Therefore, the fear, which is there among the people in the society that they are going to be affected by the technology, is minimal. Additionally, it will lead to the improvement of the economy raising the living standard in the society. This may be indirect because people may not be aware that the output production will increase, which will lead to high level of sales in the economy. This increase in the economy raises the living standards of people in the society.
Mistakes based on the three examples
The first example is the challenger incident that happened in 1986. This happened when the space ship was taking off. The main cause was the malfunction of the technology. All crewmembers in the ship died in the accident. The first mistake was the malfunction of the ship that led to the fatal accident. Engineering department has the duty to oversee every mistake that could occur and rectify it before the ship takes off. Secondly, it is their duty to build escape routes inside the ship in case of any emergency. This was not the case in the ship because the crewmembers were not able to escape from the accident. This led to the crew of fear and stress among the people in the society.
The other example is the space shuttle Columbia disaster that happened in 2003. The incident happened shortly as the ship entered the earth's atmosphere from space. Not all the crewmembers in the ship survived the accident. What caused the accident was because of a malfunction that happened when the ship was taking off to space. The most surprising thing about this accident is that the engineers at NASA had discovered the problem when the ship was still in space. The termed the problem as an allowable risk and that they could not do anything. Additionally, the ship did not have an escape route for the crewmembers to escape. It is the duty of engineers to learn from the challenger accident and rectify the mistakes. The problem was that they did not make any amendments anything leading to the accident.
The last example is the melt down at the Three Mile Island that happened in 1979. This was one of the greatest nuclear disasters to have ever happened in America. What happened was that a valve in unit two did not close, causing the melt down. In this accident, the engineers had the idea that something was wrong but did not have an idea what was wrong. This led to the exposure of radiation to the environment. However, there were no deaths registered, but there were social implication. The handling of the situation created a considerable amount of stress and fear to the people in the society.
Lesson based on the three examples
The most valuable lessons in the examples are that the different engineers could have taken the initiative of considering the society. The fear, the stress and the health implication that could be caused by the technology. Therefore, in the new technology safety of the company and the society is the first priority. Another lesson learned is how to handle a situation and try to make amends. For instance in the Columbia incident, the engineers had the ability to rectify the problem. The melt down at the Three Mile Island would have also been prevented if the engineers were undergoing training.
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Ethical roles played by the engineers in the three examples
In the challenger incident, the engineers tried everything to look for solutions so that they can be able to solve the problem in the future. Despite the accident, the engineers were able to create measures to solve the problem. In the Columbia incident, the engineers compile a full report that will help them in future incase an incident like this happened. In the last accident, the engineers were able to save and calm the situation before it becomes worse. Secondly, instead of blaming one another they came up with the solution that will solve the problem completely. If the engineers did not play these roles it meant that they did not care, and it is unethical.
The new technology will be as an act of corporate social responsibility. On the other hand, it will improve the efficiency and effectiveness in the company. This is because it has a massive impact on society. It is going to save the society from the health hazards associated with methane in the environment. Additionally, it will increase the output in production for the company. Therefore, the new technology will have a significant effect on society and the company thus it is not neutral.
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