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Inter-Organizational Coordination

Intermodal freight transport refers to the transportation of goods in a car or intermodal container using different modes of transportation like truck, rail and ship, without handling of the freight itself while changing mode. For intermodal freight shipping to be successful, many actors across different organizations and industries work together and share information. These actors include individual shippers, terminal operators, third parties, carriers and government agencies.

Information components required for transportation management include logistics system, bill of lading, cargo information, customs information, in-transit information and shipment details. In modal transport, there must be a terminal or port where exchange of information between the carrier and shipper before the cargo departs. A station is essential in that the parties involved are able to view information about the shipment while it is in transit thus improving the coordination of freight transportation.

Another tool that will lead to seamless flow of information in intermodal freight transportation is the availability of electronic information about the order, updates about in-transit, dissemination of information to other parties and updates upon delivery. Information technology co ordinations improve the supply chain and allow the actors to achieve productivity gains. IT helps transportation to respond to variations in the flow of information.


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Integrating information systems of actors and shippers in the freight transport with information technology will generate future gains in freight transportation productivity. This integration ensures that of these two tools ensures that pick-ups and delivery are appropriate and reliable, and the different actors are able to see the transportation activities.

Investing in supporting businesses in transportation is also an essential tool for free flow of information. As a real repeat, business freight transportation needs help from other businesses. For example, Procter and Gamble shipping to Chrysler or Wal-Mart. Integration of these support businesses can be either through ownership or via non-ownership.

These tools combined will ensure seamless flow of information on the intermodal freight transportation business. Efficiency will improve, and it will also demonstrate its development as a transport business.



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