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Develop a First Aid Application for a Mobile Device


Reports show that mobile technology application to the health industry can reduce health care costs and improve peoples’ health. This project aims to develop a first aid application for mobile devices. The project will include extensive literature review of works in the discipline as well as conducting a primary research. This will be in the form of survey on the application of the mobile devices in health.

Key question: How can mobile device help in first aid application? With the continuous advancement of operating system and mobile devices technology, this fusion should only continue to flourish.

Literature review

Although mobile devices have been around since the late 1980’s, it is until late 1990 when there was tremendous rise in their ownership and usage. By 2000, UK had over 27 million users with five hundred million worldwide. The explosion of the mobile users necessitated its application to various sectors and medicine is one of them. A survey report explains how hypersensitive and diabetic patients use Smartphone, by sending medical data to their doctors EMR reducing their visits to the doctor. A huge flood of interest exists in the usage of smart phones and tablets by physicians. Frost and Sullivan predict Smartphone introduction in the North America will escalate to 67 % from the current 27% by the 2025. According to Manhattan research, 64% of doctors were using Smart phones.

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IPads are capable of handling various tasks such as taking photo of the patient or digital viewing to show the patients’ condition. Their use ranges from application to health care and clinical reference to real time patient record keeping to diagnostic tools. The electronic health records access can be by use of Smartphone allowing a physician to diagnose and communicate virtually.

            The objective of this study was to investigate the gains of this mobile device application in the offering of information and reference for first aid. The Red Cross certification in people’s wallet and the first aid kits in cars explain how life is unpredictable. There is always a possibility of a real emergency and one may be not within reach of first aid kit. This necessitates the development of first aid application for mobile devices that will assist the patient whenever the situation occurs.

The application aims to offer mobile devices with features like symptom checker that offers advices emergency care for common signs. The mobile devices provide a handy means for memory refreshment that goes blank in the occurrence of an emergency. The applications allow the user program the emergency and medical contacts behaving like a distress beacon.

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This device can be extremely helpful for diabetes patients in monitoring of blood sugar. The device collects readings of the blood sugar and sends to the phone via Bluetooth. The doctor and the patients exchange data in the respective database that later supports diagnosis and treatment.

The main advantage of mobile devices is that they possess the potential for a rise in physical adoption of health IT since people love their iPads and Smart phones.


The primary aims of the project are to:

  • Investigate the theoretical fundamentals supporting the development of first aid application;
  • Perform a comprehensive review if recent studies;
  • Carry primary research into the device usage by the population;
  • Produce recommendations for mobile device usage;


Because of possibly of industry-biased nature of the numerous surveys on the mobile devices done up to date, I intend to carry an independent survey of the utilization pattern of the mobile devices and how effective it can be to make the application successful. I have a trial version design for the survey that I will shortly distribute. Analysis of the result will be by use of normal distribution and perform objective and independent analysis.


Experience in the use of mobile devices is a precondition for the effectual and proficient use of the first aid application. This application cannot substitute dexterity acquisition by handy training. Literature review shows that mobile devices have contributed to the medicine industry considerably. With the development of this application, it will go a long way in helping the victims who in the event of accident cannot get access to a heath facility. Following a comprehensive literature review, the project will comprise an independent survey to establish how the application can help in the first aid. 


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